Forgot Home Management Password



  • Hello,

    @manacle: email sent.

    @Tein: email sent.


  • activeteachr
    edited September 2010

    Hi, I bought bit defender March of 2010 but I cannot remember my password, could you please tell me how to find it or get a new password please? my email is

  • Hello activeteachr,

    I have sent you an email.

  • hello i also need a password patch, the home network has locked out my 2nd computer and asks for the password that bitdefender sent me when i enabled it. only i dont recall being the one to enable it and the rest of my family dosn't know anything about it either! go figer, thanks for any help provided.

  • I have Internet Total Security 2010. I forgot my Home Management Password that i must have once set up. I need to change settings in my firewall. Can you please send me the patch

  • can u please send me the patch as well i want to add my other computers to my network but unfortunately have forgot the home management password

  • Hello all,




    I have sent you each a PM.

  • @George My Email ID

  • m trying to connect other pc on same network, facing the same issue, its asking for Home Management pass.. could you please help

  • Hello Jim.Mathew

    PM sent.

  • blb

    Could you please send me the patch. I installed it on my wife's machine a while back and I can't for the life of me figure out what password I used. Thanks blb

  • Hello blb,

    Done :D

    Thank you.

  • Hi George,

    I also need the patch for Home network pass.


  • Hello adrbogd,

    Done :)

  • rhubka
    edited November 2010

    I too am brain dead and did not enter my Home Network password in my password program. :wacko:

    Using BitDefender Internet Security 2010

    Windows 7 x64


  • Hello Rick,

    As requested, I have sent all the necessary steps via email.

    Thank you.

  • can u please send me the patch as well i want to add my other computers to my network but unfortunately have forgot the home management password

  • Hi Khron,

    I sent you the instructions you need via E-mail.

    Thank you!

  • Hello,

    plz i need the instructions to reset my home management password.

  • Hi ANM,

    I sent you via E-mail the instructions you need in order to reset the password you forgot. Please follow them.

    Thank you!

  • RedReiter
    Out of security reasons I cannot post the resolution for this issue on the forum, but I will send you an e-mail shortly with a patch that will reset the password for home management.

    I to have miss-placed my home networking password... Can you help?

    Thank You

    Ray ReiterNetwork Help

  • Hi RedReiter,

    Looking into our database I noticed that you contacted us also via e-mail and one of my colleagues answered you.

    Should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Thank you!

  • Hello 5han3 and cas2,

    In order to reset the Home Management password we would like you to follow the steps bellow :

    1. Download a our special patch that will help you reset the password from the next link.

    2. Start you computer in Safe Mode :

    - restart the computer;

    - repeatedly press the "F8" key several times before Microsoft Windows begins

    to load (you need to press "F8" until you will be displayed a text menu);

    - select "SAFE MODE" in the text menu and press "Enter".

    - wait while Windows loads in Safe Mode; this process ends with a confirmation

    message; click "Yes" to acknowledge.

    3. Run the patch, reboot your computer normally and the Home Management password should be successfully removed .

    Thank you.

    I have tried this fix and am still not able to resolve. Can you help? Am I missing something?


  • Hi clarkeo,

    Can you tell me your system configuration (CPU, RAM, System Type...), please ?

    Thank you!

  • Out of security reasons I cannot post the resolution for this issue on the forum, but I will send you an e-mail shortly with a patch that will reset the password for home management.

    I could use that patch also. I'm not saying I forgot it because I did it to three computers but one needs to be reset. Thanks

  • Hi daskrend4u,

    In your inbox you will find my e-mail containing all the necessary instructions you need. Please follow them.

    Thank you!

  • rnrnHi Admin,


    nI have forgot my password for indicom account access. My number is 922562 and account number is 604719865. Even I forgot the answers to the hint questions too.


    nHence, I am not being able to reset the password on my own. Please help me out so that I can access it. The email id which I provided at the time of registration is also expired as I changed my job. Can you please reset my password and send the password to email id dipanjan.arpita?




    nDipanjan Mukherjeern

  • Hi AnnostegobKes,

    From your description I understand that you have an issue with another program. In case you are using BitDefender and you encounter any problem with it, please feel free to post here.

    Thank you!

  • good day, I seem to have the same problem, I just lost my Bitdefender TS 2010 password, I have to allow my chrome(the browser) because when I got home its just so happen that my bit just denied it on firewall settings, i reinstall google chorme but its seems to me that its not really gonna work, but it just worth the try, how can i reset my password, please help me, thank you..

  • Hi natsu24,

    You have an email from me, please check your inbox.

    Thank you!

  • hi i have bitdefender antivirus 2012 i forgot my management password how to recover it ?

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hi and welcome to our forums.

    For security reasons, you will receive the instructions via PM.

    Thank you in advance for understanding.

    I declare this topic closed. For other request, please open a new topic on the appropriate aria.

This discussion has been closed.