Why can't I add IP Addresses to VPN Split-Tunneling settings?
Even with "Allow access to devices on local networks" enabled in General settings, I can't connect to either my printer or my AVR. Only after disabling the VPN do I gain access again. Attempting to access printer or AVR settings by entering their respective IP addresses into the Split-tunneling textbox yields a "url is not…
Split Tunneling does not appear to work
Has anyone else encountered any issues? I have a geo restricted website setup in split-tunneling but when I try to login, I get blocked every time unless I completely disconnect from VPN.
VPN split-tunneling not working for websites
Hi! I added a few websites to split-tunneling but they load only if I disconnect the VPN. Why? The sites see that I use VPN and are not loading if I don't use a working split-tunneling. I have Bitdefender Total Security + unlimited VPN. Thanks!
BD VPN and Microsoft Remote Desktop
Hi MacOS : Sonoma 14.3.1, BD VPN :, BD AV :, MS RD : 10.9.6 With BD VPN running I can't connect to my Remote Desktop server, with the VPN disabled I can connect fine. Once connected to the Remote Desktop I can re-enable the VPN and everything works fine. Microsoft Remote Desktop is configured to use port…
Split Tunneling not working
I asked this question previously, but I lost the thread. VPN will not let me access my Ring.com account, even when I have added Ring.com to my split tunnel list. What can I do to resolve this? Thank you.
What am I doing wrong with Split Tunneling?
I use Amazon's security camera, Ring, through both my phone and PC. Ring will not allow me log in onto my PC unless the disconnect the Bitdefender VPN. Per instructions, I went to advanced settings, selected Split Tunneling and added Ring.com as a site to by-pass the VPN. Restated: I am unable to log into Ring when…
Split tunneling & c:\program files\windowsapps folder. Windows 11 Pro
Good morning everyone. I'd like to know if Bit Defender VPN can handle split tunneling at the process level instead of just URLs and .exe or .com files. In this case I'm referring to Skype installed from the Microsoft Store, which has the executable residing in the %program files%\windowsapps folder, which is known not to…
Using Split tunnel to whitelist instead of blacklist
Hello, I would like to know if it possible to use Split tunneling in reversed manner. Instead of selecting which apps and website will bypass VPN. it will be which apps and websites will use VPN.
2022 brought Bitdefender VPN improvements and new features
A stronger invisibility cloak with new features setting the path to more interesting developments in the near future. Read the full retrospective on the best VPN you can get: Are you using a VPN connection? What features do you like the most and how does the perfect VPN look like for you? Let us know in the comments below.