Interference with Time Machine backups
I've had Bitdefender for several years now and it just started preventing my Time Machine backups, any solutions for this?
Bitdefender blocks Time Machine back up with MacOS Monterey
There was a similar discussion late last year and it looks like it's closed. The discussion ended with a post that this issue was fixed; only it has surfaced again. I maintain two time machine backups; one to a WD drive, connected via my home network, and the other to a Lacie portable drive, which is disconnected except to…
Protect Time Machine on external drive when other external drives are NOT protected?
I'm writing to ask about a potential huge flaw in protection of Time Machine by Bitdefender. I'm using Bitdefender Small Office Security, but the same issue applies to other Bitdefender products for Macs. Bitdefender allows you to select specific folders to be protected in the case of ransomware. However, you can NOT…
General advice
I just switched from Avira to Sophos, and now I'm done with the free softwares since they didn't go along with Time Machine, so I went for Bitdefender. I'm using a MacBook Pro, a Time Capsule where I do Time Machine bakups and also store media files. Additionally I also make off-site backups through Crashplan. I noticed…
Encrypted Time Machine Disk
So, my question is if I encrypt my time machine backup disk on the MAC today and I get a ransomware preload infection (which activates in say 7 days) will the ransomware still be on the backup disk just waiting for the 7 days to come up and install itself if I ever need to restore my backup? My assumption is that…