

  • the screenshot worked and i will try to provide you with a screenshot of the folder "profiles". inside that folder contains a folder "logs", that you may want to see. i will try to provide that for you. i will be most grateful if this is allowed by the BD folks and i am grateful to you.
  • niels, i have negotiated down this path, by your instructions. start>my computer, the bitdefender programme is on the >C: drive>documents and settings, if i want to log into windows, i choose >compaq owner>application data>bitdefender i opened the bitdefender folder here, and there was only one folder inside, "desktop". i…
  • niels, i am not sure exactly what you mean, but i will "wing it" and see where it goes from there. first of all, i know you want this log. i think that is what you were trying to explain. for this computer, it is located via this path: my computer>C:>program files>common files>softwin>bitdefender update service i tried to…
  • It s very simple,open the "advanced settings" tick the update button and in the upper part of the menus you will see al the info ,last update, last check then a little down number of signatures and the engine version. Sm3K3R, thanks for the reply
  • cris, i didn't know what to do with the info you gave me. i have attached a screenshot of the update tab in the GUI. am i in the right place?
  • thanks for that info, cris and niels. i will check it. niels, i was unable to find the file av32bit within the bitdefender updater folder. i have attached a screenshot. am i in the right place?
  • thanks for that info, cris and niels. i will check it.
  • False positive confirmed by lab. Detection will be removed in one of the next updates. Thank you for reporting it. Cris. crusty, yes it's kerio personal firewall. cris, then i assume you don't need me to submit the file (i will if you ask, i just don't know how). it's funny, on my sister's computer i also have installed…
  • Niels, understood. i think about one year and five months remain on the subscription. i'll see if my two other sisters or my sister-in-law could use the other subscription. my sister that has it installed originally bought panda, which i think is a good AV as well, but after two hours of waiting on the phone before they…
  • i have located the disk and there is only one "license key". i don't know how they juggle two computers with one license key, it seems like that would be hard to keep track of. i will check out the link provided to me by kinwolf. he's probably right. it's a pity i couldn't have found a way to take full advantage of the…
  • i suggest that you trial the product first. it may not work for you. there are also utilities that you can install to ensure that all files and registry entries can be removed. i think that many users that have problems didn't remove all the previous AV remnants. installwatch and total install are two programmes that take…
  • my fault. i used a link that was in "my favorites" that is probably 6 months old. i went to the bitdefender home page and it worked. nothing found on my computer. thanks for the replies. Ed
  • andrei, just a quick hollar to tell you that the batch file with the pause command worked nicely. what happens is, that the command prompt window "minimizes" to the taskbar when it is finished scanning, but it is definitely noticeable. it has all the info that i am after. now i am just hoping for many boring deep safe mode…
  • thanks for that clarification, andrei. on a totally different issue, i thought i would add a little info with a screenshot. for anyone who wants to find the location of their scan in safe mode. if someone has already given this info, excuse me. to find this log, since you won't find it in the GUI on the desktop: my…
  • andrei, there's alot i would like to discuss. i will try to make it as clear as i can. in post #25, in your screenshot. are those quotation marks i see between bdc.exe and /f? would there be quotation marks before Program Files? is there a space between bdc.exe" and /f? i just wanted to be absolutely clear about what goes…
  • andrei, sorry for the delay. the job i work only allows me a limited amount of time to get on the computer. these are all the parameters, the same ones you gave me about 2 months ago. bdc /f /b /r /i /G /N /p i always do it this way. i will be looking for the logfile. the best thing about this new batch file discovery, is…
  • andrei, i think it has worked. with a combination of what jim says and what you say to do. i tried what jim says to put in the notepad, but in the "save as type" box, "all files" needs to be selected. i am not 100% sure that this is working, and here's why. i make the batch file, and put it on the desktop, then enter safe…
  • andrei, something is wrong. this is what i got, both in normal and safe mode. i will do more research. maybe i will discover what the problem is, or something that i am missing. any more suggestions would be appreciated as always. /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=387" data-fileid="387"…
  • awesome. i will continue on, and see what happens. i will keep you informed. thanks again.
  • here's my newly revised notepad window, just before i click "save". i had a feeling that what was in the "save as type" dialog box was incorrect, in the previous screenshot. does this look correct now? thanks. /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=386" data-fileid="386" rel="">second_batch_file.bmp
  • thanks andrei and jim. andrei, this will keep me busy for a little while. i will let you know how it goes.
  • here is a screenshot of the notepad window, before i click "save". /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=384" data-fileid="384" rel="">batch_file_explanation.bmp
  • i thought that this thread died a long time ago. i'm glad to see that it continues with more excellent info being added to it. i have never tried what you are explaining to us. it's a great idea. i wish you would have made a screenshot of your window, so that when i arrive at the finished product, i would know that i am on…
  • i actually think spy sweeper is the best, but from my experience with my computer, it tends to conflict with programmes. it has fabulous detection ability. i recommend keeping it off the startup list and use it as an "on demand" scan. every time you use the GUI it gets back on the startup list. if you use it this way, it…
  • andrei, yes, that's what i meant. when it's finished scanning it shuts the computer down automatically. it's a great feature in normal mode, but as you clarify, it isn't available in safe mode. thanks again.
  • thanks niels, andrei, and khafu. glad to have bitdefender on sis's computer and to be a member of bitdefender forum.
  • it worked. i thought that it may be working when it occurred to me to try the task manager and i saw that bdc was using constant resources, so i left it alone, and was prepared to leave it alone for hours. this is a screenshot. is there a shortcut to typing in that long command? i almost forgot to ask, is there a way to…
  • andrei and niels, i tried the command prompt today, with spaces in between the "bdc" command. i am on a different computer because the computer with bitdefender on it may be scanning, and that is one of the questions that i have at the moment. when will i know if it is scanning? will an interface with a progress bar…
  • andrei, sorry, i didn't even notice they were slashes instead of percentages. my fault. the second command you gave me: bdc /f /b /r /i /G /N /p it looks to me like there are no spaces in between. if there are, please let me know where. i gave it a shot, as you can see, here are the results. niels, it sounds to me like you…
  • andrei, i typed in what you said and pressed "enter" this is what i have as a result. to be specific, for now, i want to scan in safe mode with the most aggressive, deepest, antivirus scan and if possible, the computer shut down when it's finished. i will do exactly what you say. this is a two year license, and i intend to…
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