est-ce que vous pouvez me dire comment garder Password Manager actif sur une journée minimum.
A chaque ouverture de google il réclame le mot de passe maitre, ce que ne faisait pas Wallet.
Or, quand on change un logiciel et de plus il est payant, cela veut normalement dire qu'il est plus performant.
Merci pour vos indications
Bonjour @WELLKI et bienvenue dans la communauté.
Si vous verrouillez votre appareil sans fermer votre navigateur, Password Manager ne se verrouille pas et vous pouvez accéder à vos données à votre retour. Par mesure de sécurité, chaque fois que vous ouvrez le navigateur, vous devez vous connecter avec votre compte Bitdefender Central, puis saisir votre mot de passe principal.
- Pour arrêter la fenêtre contextuelle de connexion à Bitdefender Central il vous suffit d'aller dans Paramètres et de cocher : Désactiver l'onglet de connexion au démarrage.
- Pour empêcher l'invite du mot de passe principal pendant 72 heures, cochez la case "Se souvenir de moi" sur l'écran Déverrouiller votre coffre-fort.
Faites-nous savoir comment ça se passe.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Bonjour Alex,
Merci pour vos indications.
Excepté que... "se souvenir de moi" ne change rien, il me faut à chque ouverture du navigateur, réinscrire le mot de passe.
Peut-être que cela vient du fait, qu'il y a quelques années, j'avais configurer le navigateur avec effacement de l'historique à chaque fermeture: si c'est la raison, je ne sais plus comment changer ou modifier cette configuration.
Aussi, avec le WALLET (bien plus pratique), j'avais deux "coffre fort" sous deux intitulés différents et mot de passe.
L'un m'était 100% privé, le second était celui que j'avais créé pour mes collaborateurs et qui était utilisé sur un autre PC.
J'ai bien téléchargé le second coffre fort wallet mais je n'arrive pas à le configurer sur l'autre ordinateur.
merci de bien vouloir m'indiquer la procédure.
pour conclure.... pourquoi avoir changé un système performant et simple pour un système compliqué?
Vous auriez pu lancer votre nouveau password manager et laisser la possibilité de consezrver Wallet.
Cela n'aurai pas modifié votre C.A.!!
Bien à vous,
0 -
Bonjour @WELLKI,
I will post my next comment in English, since I'm not a native French speaker and I wish to avoid any misinterpretation or confusion. You can right-click on this page for translation. I'll share a bit more context on how the 'remember me' feature actually works:
- 'Remember me' is displayed at the screen asking for the master password
- After checking it, the user will not be required to enter the master password, as they will be logged in automatically
- Using 'remember me' does not mean that you will never have to use Master Password again. As it is easy to forget the master password, and due to the security concerns in case the device gets lost or stolen, the user will remain logged in 72 hours, after that the master password will be asked for again. However, if the user is using the browser or the application actively every day, the 72 hours window gets refreshed every 24 hours.
- If you have inactivity lock with logout option enabled, then it is normal, since you are completely logged out of the account, so the master password will be requested again.
On mobile devices, the user is still required to enter PIN/biometrics, to ensure the device is in the correct hands. If the 'remember me' doesn’t work as expected, check the following:
- Did you check the “remember me” box when logging in? - we've established that this was checked
- Did you log out manually from Password manager? – if yes, it’s normal for the master password to be asked
- How long ago did you check “remember” me? – the feature is time limited to 72 hours
- Did you use the “Secure me” feature targeting the device with the issue? – if yes, that’s normal, as you were logged out and the password will be requested again
- Did you enable inactivity lock with logout option? - if yes, as mentioned above, that is normal as you were logged out.
- On mobile devices, are you asked for the master password, or PIN/biometrics? If PIN/Biometrics is requested, that’s normal, this is asked for to ensure the device is in the correct hands.
I hope the information is helpful. In the event the above criteria doesn't apply and the master password is requested although it shouldn't be, you can head to the link below to get in touch with the Bitdefender engineers for a more in-depth investigation of the affected device.
Choose from the available contact channels, chat, phone and email/ticket. Chat would be the fastest way to reach them. The above Support link is for French.
The Password Manager comes as a response to our users' request for a more versatile solution available on the most important platforms. As Bitdefender's portfolio evolves, It was a necessary step because due to certain limitations, the Wallet could no longer offer room for improvement and had to be replaced by a better performing version, one that also offers more development possibilities in the future. The main differences between the two and the advantages of using the latest offering are explained in the article below:
In its standard form, Password Manager is available for individual usage and the extension cannot be shared on multiple accounts. A Shared Plan is also available and this can secure passwords for up to 4 people. You can find out more by accessing the product page:
Best regards,
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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