VideoDownloadHelper : malware ?
Depuis quelques jours, Bitdefender bloque VideoDownloadHelper et sa CoApp (vdhcoapp.exe) en les considérant comme des malwares, avec les deux autres .exe du répertoire créé par VDH (ffmpeg et ffprobe.exe).
Les applis sont utilisées avec licences validées (VDH et sa CoApp) et fonctionnent depuis plusieurs années avec Bitdefender.
Après l'alerte, j'ai essayé de les enregistrer en exceptions dans Advanced Threat Defense et de réinstaller BD, mais rien ne lève le blocage.
Si ce ne sont pas des malwares, quelqu'un a une idée ou une solution ?
Merci d'avance.
Asus S17 - GX735LXS (i7-10750H - 32Go); W11 (23H2)
For several days, Bitdefender has been blocking VideoDownloadHelper and its CoApp (vdhcoapp.exe) by considering them as malware, along with the two other .exes in the directory created by VDH (ffmpeg and ffprobe.exe).
The apps are used with validated licenses (VDH and its CoApp) and have worked for several years with Bitdefender.
After the alert, I tried registering them as exceptions in Advanced Threat Defense and reinstalling BD, but nothing clears the blockage.
If it's not malware, does anyone have an idea or a solution?
Thanks in advance.
bonsoir LPE,
contact le support technique:
bonne soirée.
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If you believe that a website or file has been incorrectly blocked by Bitdefender, you can share the details with our malware researchers by filling out the form at the link provided below:
If the website or file is indeed incorrectly blocked, the detection will be removed within a maximum of 72 hours. However, if the detection still persists after 72 hours, please consider the website or file as malicious, as determined by our malware researchers, and the detection will remain.
1) Temporarily disable Bitdefender Protection:
2) Set exclusions in Bitdefender Antivirus:
3) Set exclusions in Bitdefender Advanced Threat Defense:
4) Re-enable real-time protection in Bitdefender
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