Can The Settings Made, Including The List Of Exceptions, Be Saved In Bitdefender Antivirus Plus?

edited November 2022 in Install and Updates

Can The Settings Made, Including The List Of Exceptions, Be Saved In Bitdefender Antivirus Plus?

Best Answers

  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod
    Answer ✓


    I guess the OP means if there is a possibility to export/save Bitdefender settings.



    Bitdefender doesn't have an option to export/save and import settings for all modules and for any particular module.


  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod
    Answer ✓


    Hello again.

    I know exactly waht you meant with your question, but for now there is no option to save the settings you made in a single file, and import that settings single file in a future installation of Bitdefender.

    Kind regards.


  • Hello @Sechel and welcome to the Community!

    Could you please specify what settings are you referring to? Generally speaking, custom settings and added exceptions can be saved and you can also protect your Bitdefender settings using a password. But I'm not sure I understand the full context here.

    When it comes to exceptions, there are several places where you can add them, depending on your needs. You can check the below articles for more information:

    For more helpful content, informative articles and troubleshooting steps, you can visit our Support Center at the link below:

    Let us know if you are looking for a specific setting or exception.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Sechel
    edited November 2022


    Bună ziua !

    Mulțumesc frumos pentru răspunsul dvs., însă eu m-am referit la salvarea unor setări făcute de mine precum și a listei de excepții intr-un fișier pe care să îl pot folosi la o viitoare instalare a Bitdefender (optiunea export, save și import sau un fișier din folderul de instalare a Bitdefender pe care sa îl copii pentru o viitoare instalare, având în vedere meniul destul de alambicat)!

    O zi bună !


    Hello !

    Thank you very much for your answer, but I was referring to saving some settings made by me as well as the list of exceptions in a file that I can use in a future installation of Bitdefender (the option export, save and import or a file from the Bitdefender installation folder to copy for a future installation, given the rather convoluted menu)!

    A good day !

  • Sechel
    edited November 2022

    Hello !

    Thank you for your answer. This was the matter I wanted to know. I was thinking that there is a file in the Bitdefender installation folder that I could save and put in a future installation so that I don't have to start over with the settings and exceptions.

    Have a good day !

  • Hi @Sechel,

    Thank you for making things clear.

    Bitdefender does not save any kind of settings, nor does it have an .xml or other type of settings files that can be imported from one installation to another.

    I hope this answers your question.

    Have a good day as well.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user