Bitdefender unter dem Namen eines PC-Dienstleisters registriert

Hallo zusammen, mein Bitdefender läuft unter dem Konto eines PC-Dienstleisters, der sein Geschäft nicht weiterführt, die Lizenz läuft in ein paar Tagen aus. Muss ich die Software neu installieren, oder kann ich ein ein neues Konto unter meinem Namen eröffnen und die Lizenz zuordnen ?

Danke im Voraus für eure Hilfe


  • Hello,

    In this case I would recommend to open a new Central account using your email address, then purchase the desired Bitdefender subscription and activate it there. Following this, you must bring up Bitdefender and use the switch account option to sync the software with your new Central account. So, in the event Bitdefender was previously installed on that device, it won't be necessary to reinstall it, simply switch the account to yours and the product will draw its configuration and validity from the subscription running in your Central account instead of the previous one which belonged to the PC service provider you mentioned.

    So, the first step to do is open your browser, go to and create an account.

    Then purchase a Bitdefender subscription using the official website:

    Once you receive the activation code, follow these steps to activate your protection:

    In the event the new subscription is identical with the previous one (same product, same number of slots), choose to extend the current license that's about to expire.

    As soon as the subscription is active, open Bitdefender on your device and use the switch account feature to sign in using your new Central account where you activated it. You can follow the steps described here:

    You can repeat this procedure for all devices currently covered by Bitdefender (in the event you have multiple devices, of course).

    Let us know how it goes and if you have any questions and thank you for renewing your cybersecurity solution with Bitdefender.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user