Solved But Still Looking For Explanation: Total Security 2013 - System Freeze When Auto Update Runs

bearbeitet April 2013 in Allgemein

I got this Problem now for the third time (once on Win 8, twice on Win 7 Pro).

After an "Auto Update" today (logged at 4:17 PM) and a system restart the following problem occurred:

the Bitdefender symbol turned red and a major alarm was shown in the GUI saying that "Bitdefender never was updated".

After i started the update process manually by clicking "solve now" or in the home screen of the GUI "update now" or after a start of the "auto update" process my system has frozen completely.

On the home screen of the GUI I could see the download size and a few seconds later the System completely hung up.

I tried it several times.

The way I solved the problem again was by disabling the auto update process for a while and downloading the recent update package (see german package link below) manually and just install it over the running Bitdefender installation.

After installation was completed, I went back to the home screen of the GUI and tried the "update now" function and now it works properly again (Auto update as well as manual update)!

As i mentioned in the first scentence, this probelem occured for the third time now.

The last time was about a month ago.

Anybody else with this recurring problem?


b.t.w. Comments on my nickname are welcome!
