Hi there, The exclusions present in the product do not apply to contextual scans (right click and scan) but to full system scans or on access detections for example. This information is also present in the user's guide at page 106. http://download.bitdefender.com/windows/de...serGuide_en.pdf Exclusions will NOT apply for…
I have moved this topic to the proper area.
Salut Marian, Deoarece ai achizitionat o cheie de reinnoire,pentru a primi cheia de 7 caractere trebuie sa completezi urmatorul formular care trebuie sa contina obligatoriu cheia precedenta care a expirat sau care urmeaza sa expire: http://www.bitdefender.ro/site/Buy/renewal O seara buna.
Fisierul este deja vazut de catre Bitdefender ca Gen.Variant.Kazy.146432 Te rog sa te asiguri ca ai ultimele semnaturi de virusi.
I have contacted you via private message regarding this situation. Have a great day!
Removal tool-ul este public si poate fi descarcat din aceste locatii: http://www.hotforsecurity.com/download/sir...val-tool-32-bit http://www.hotforsecurity.com/download/31
Un removal pentru acest virus va fi disponibil pana Vineri. Ce poti face ca sa stergi virusul,este sa opresti protectia in timp real a Bitdefender si dintr-un command prompt sa rulezi: sfc /scannow Dupa terminarea procesului sa dai un reboot la calculator.
You will receive a prompt to enter a username and a password only when the machine doesn't have enough memory,for example 256 MB RAM. The rescue CD should be run on computers running at least 512 MB RAM.
We've tested what you reported and the uninstall ****** works properly but with one note: it must be run twice and reboot the system after each run.
Hey guys i know this is an old topic but I've got same problem and I see no specific solution in this topic except getting new update. in fact i have no problem with updating but even after getting the latest update, I still can't perform a complete scam on my com coz every time it gets to those files, scan stops. what…
Also check that your Windows date is set up correctly.
Fisierele detectate sunt niste emailuri dintr-o arhiva veche,2003. Nu prezinta un pericol imediat atata timp cat nu sunt deschise si Bitdefender este pornit. Te rog sa rulezi o scanare cu Bitdefender (nu cu rescue CD) si sa postezi rezultatele.
Te rog sa postezi rezultatele scanarii sa vedem exact ce este infectat.
It is not yet known when a version in English would be available.
The file is infected and will be detected as Trojan.MBRRansom.C Regarding the AVC module,the file will be further analysed.
Will be fixed on the next product update.
Here's the location from were you can download the support tool. http://www.bitdefender.com/files/Knowledge...Supporttool.exe Double-click on the Bitdefender_Supporttool.exe file (if you are using Vista or Windows 7, right-click on the Bitdefender_Supporttool application file and select "Run as Administrator"); . Fill in…
The situation should be solved by now. Can you confirm?
Thank you for reporting. I have edited the pinned topic and the correct key for v2009 is 281837214037A2E1D93E Let me know if it works.
I have just created a topic for this. http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showtopic=29420
Because this is a free product you can all use the following key: 31A8385032A0181130EB
GENERAL RULES 1. First and foremost, this is a support forum for BitDefender. Do NOT post comparative tests for security software for they are unrelated to the main character of the forum.
Support on this forum is not provided for SDK products. If you have a legal contract signed with BitDefender then you should contact your account manager. Case closed.
Salutare, Cerintele de sistem in acest caz nu sunt o problema. Poti sa-mi zici daca fereastra de scanare ramane pe ecran sau dispare? Sunt cazuri in care scan-ul dureaza 2-3 secunde si apar 0 fisiere scanate. Asta se intampla pentru ca HDD-ul nu a fost incarcat si unul din motive fiind faptul ca sistemul a fost inchis…
You are using an old kit with an old build. The latest build is Here's the correct kit: http://download.bitdefender.com/windows/in...r_isecurity.exe
Hi there, From your BitDefender account you can modify your email address. This happens when you click on the My Account link and then select Modify Data. In here you will have listed your email address and 2 buttons: Add and Remove.
Hi there, The BitDefender Rescue CD doesn't scan the MBR.
The IDS system cannot be updated via signatures and to a exclude an application you need to manually add it to the exclusions list. This is one of the reasons why it gives a lot of false alarms. Also this module is by default turned OFF and it should be enabled only when an infection is imminent or the system is badly…
At this moment new features cannot be added in v2011. However,you can recommend to be implemented as a new feature in BitDefender v2012 which is now in beta stage. http://bd2012beta.betaeasy.com/