Bitdefender not appearing under root\securitycenter2, should it?

edited August 2024 in Install and Updates

Should Bitdefender be appearing when you run the following in the PowerShell?

Get-CimInstance -ClassName AntivirusProduct -NameSPace root\securitycenter2

It doesn't on my PC but everywhere else it seems to be running ok. I don't think it's an issue but just wanted to check.


  • Hello @Logansan and welcome to the community.

    I think this would require a more in-depth investigation on the device where Bitdefender is installed. As such, I think the install logs will be required from C:\ProgramData\cl.123456789.bdinstall.v2.bin.

    Now, you could try this command - Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Query "Select * From antivirusproduct" and if it still doesn't show up, do a visual check in windows security center.

    But my recommendation would be to get in touch with the Bitdefender Support Teams, as the engineers can perform further checks and provide steps to follow next. They may require logs from the device and they will tell you exactly what is required. You can contact them by choosing one of the contact channels listed here:

    State your contact reason / choose request category, then choose from the available contact channels, chat, phone and email/ticket. Chat would be the fastest way to reach them.

    Let us know how it goes.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • All good now, with the latest update Bitdefender is now appearing in the right place.
    I suspect some old records left over from when I was using ZoneAlarm a couple of years ago was stuffing things up and once I manually removed them, the next time Bitdefender did an update it was able to correctly record itself.

  • Very well then, thanks for following up! 👍️

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user