I reset Windows 11 due to an upgrade issue. Bitdefender was removed with reset .

How to get Bitdefender installed if my profile says it is still on???


  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    edited August 2024

    Kindly check if the following steps help you:

    1) To remove any remaining files, download and run the Bitdefender product uninstaller from this link: https://www.bitdefender.com/files/KnowledgeBase/file/Bitdefender_2023_Uninstall_Tool.exe

    2) Open the Run command and execute the following commands one by one:

    temp - delete all the files in the folder

    %temp% - delete all the files in the folder

    prefetch - delete all the files in the folder

    3) Remove devices from your online Bitdefender Central: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/answer/2795/

    4) Install Bitdefender product: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/answer/2844/


    In simpler terms, you can remove the devices from Bitdefender Central online, which will log you out of the Bitdefender product installed on your device. You will then need to sign back into your Bitdefender product, which will synchronize your device with Bitdefender Central online.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Hi,

    It's unclear to me if Bitdefender is still installed on that device or not. If it's still there, but the protection is disabled, try to sign back in using your account credentials, as suggested by Flexx above. This will sync the software with the active license/subscription and protection will resume on that device.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user