Keystroke encryption for web browsers

Could there be keystroke encryption added though driver or extension added to web browsers or the Bitdefender suite to protect a user’s privacy and security when you don’t want use Safepay.

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Active · Last Updated


  • Hello @Divik32 and thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

    Aside from Bitdefender’s secure browser which protects against all e-threats including malicious keyloggers, the product doesn't provide keystroke encryption. It has, however, the ability to scan keyloggers in the scan options, but I agree that scanning keyloggers and keystroke encryption are two different things.

    For now, I think Safepay does the job nicely, and I would also recommend the article below for more insights on how to protect yourself against malicious keyloggers:

    More information on SafePay can be found here:

    As with all feature requests submitted by our members here, this will also be subjected to an analysis after which the developers will decide if it's a potentially useful feature for the majority of users, and if the current software architecture and integrations would allow such a development in the future.

    Your contributions and ideas are always welcome and please feel free to share with us any other suggestions that come to mind in the future. The product developers are always open to new ideas coming from users and will always consider the concepts that have true potential of making it into production.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hi Alex.
    I was just asking if Bitdefender could add keystroke encryption to regular web browsers though an extension or something.

    This is because I don’t use Safepay.
    Because of its restrictions on third party password manager extensions.

    I use third party because they have more useful features than Bitdefender this is dealbreaker when comes to using Safepay.

    I didn’t talk about keyloggers it wasn’t part of the question i was asking.

  • Hi @Divik32,

    I understand. I think this is a topic that's worth looking into, at least from my perspective. But I can't really say whether the developers will have a positive answer regarding this feature request, as usually these things take time to process.
    I'll tag @camarie here for a more advised opinion, as I would like to get his input on this.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • camarie
    camarie BD Staff

    Restrictions on third party password manager extensions is intentional (to reduce the complexity and unwanted behaviors we saw, unfortunately, too often) but it is something I am willing to test. By curiosity, what password manager(s) are you using? BTW, we are providing the password manager as a browser extension in Safepay (there are some steps to do, sure, but it is there) since 2023. Most likely you do not have it installed or you are using another password manager.

    Keystroke encryption for browsers is a very sensitive feature but worth exploring - and, despite what various vendors say, is very hard to do correctly. But I appreciate the feedback and this now is on my list of future proof of concept to do, and I thank you for this.

  • Hi Camarie

    I was on keeper password manager but i have moved On to 1Password been testing proton pass too.

    I’m not interested in bitdefender password manager as it is based on saferpass which doesn’t have few features that the others have.

  • camarie
    camarie BD Staff

    Fair enough. Then I will plan 1Password tests to see how it goes.

  • Hi camarie

    Could you do others too?

  • camarie
    camarie BD Staff

    I can try. As I said, it is not something simple to do it right.