Uninstall fails removal from gmail/outlook

RandyDecker UniTesT engineering

as a 40 year well-seasoned software/hardware electronics test engineer - air force one & department of defense experience - your installation fails removal in gmail accounts continuing to populate with "bitdefender safe" and "bitdefender dangerous" folders that have invaded my registry and gmail account even after deleting all folders and "bitdefender" keys in the registry. they keep popping back up as though google has allowed your code to trap each launch of my outlook. perhaps a formal complaint to the FCC and FTC will light up your owners and principals to fix your CRAP. i hope you get sanctioned and fined for your maliciously ignorant support personnel given no clue how to fix the crap in your crap. companies like this shouldn't be allowed to exist. do your owners know about this? and if they do, do they even care?
