Controlled Folder Access

Whilst running Bitdefender, Windows Defenders "Controlled Folder Access" cannot be used, as Defender Realtime Protection must be enabled, which Bitdefender replaces.

This feature would be extremely beneficial for a number of use cases. Would Bitdefender consider implementing such a feature under the Ransomware Protection feature?

This adds a good layer of protection where you want nothing to access specific files and folders. For example, if I had a secondary SSD for backups and wanted ONLY Veeam Agent Free to be able to do anything with the folder, all other apps/users would be denied write access, protecting the folder from unwanted changes from a bad actor or via user error.

Currently the only workaround to this is fiddling with creating a secondary account, changing a ton of folder permissions and still being at more risk that if Controlled Folder Access were enabled.

There are many other good use cases for this feature, I have only given one example.
Thanks in advance!

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