How is "From email:" validated in Gravity zone mail servers settings?

I am trying to change mail server for gravity zone on premises setup to our own SMTP server.

Email address is under top domain of .network for example

and it says invalid email. How is valid email decided, because I can receive email to that address.

it seems to have limit of 6 characters after the dot if I input ".networ" it sees valid email address.

Does it just use regex or some similar function to validate email address and the characters after dot are limited to 6?

I have not had any problems with other software that requires SMTP server when using this setup.

Should we get another domain (with more standard/short TLD like .com or .net) just for this?

I have submitted form with problem report

Case ID 00900619

but just got reply from Support Engineer to that exact email address that is 'not valid email address'

again why it is not valid if it works I can receive mail and send email from that address.



  • Andrei_S Enterprise
    Andrei_S Enterprise Business Support Manager BD Staff


    I reviewed the case and saw that my colleagues clarified this issue, only addresses which have .ro / .de / .local / .net / .com top level domains are accepted.

    I am leaving this answer here so others can check it as well in case they have the same issue.

    Kind Regards,
