Kindly be advised we cannot cancel subscriptions or issue refunds on the forum.
You may cancel your Bitdefender subscription from Bitdefender Central or by contacting Customer Support at:

Thank you for your understanding.

New Here.... Verifone will not send link or allow me to login?

I have tried to login in to verifone to prevent autorenewal - since will be getting new computer then and will be starting fresh. Also tried to login to verifone to see my account but says not valid, yet it is…. been waiting for link says will send to me email, but never does…….. I feel this is happening on purpose.

Also can find no links on bitdefender for customer support by chat or email, no matter what link I hit, comes back to basic question and answer section that gives same answer that is broken?

I just got this software 7 days ago…. but not getting the best impression so far…. hope I am just doing something wrong - Thank you!


  • Kindly have a look at the link stated below:

    For more information, kindly contact Bitdefender support by visiting

    Select, How to's & Troubleshooting Bitdefender productsTroubleshootingI don't knowContact Support→ You will get the option of chatcall or email.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited October 2024

    Hello @PhilTN,

    Sorry to hear this.

    Have you checked the spam/junk folders for that link as well? And did you ensure that the email address is correct? I've seen plenty of cases where a typo led to activation codes not being received, or any communication for that matter. So no, this is not something happening on purpose, most likely there's a problem there, either with Verifone sending that link or it has to do with the email address you've used to place the initial order.

    Bitdefender provides three support contact channels on the official website, phone, chat and email / contact form. These can be found at the link shared by Flexx above, but in order to get to them you must first state your contact reason / choose request category, product type, after which the page will display a couple of suggestions for troubleshooting articles from the Support Center, and below there will be the option to contact Support, and if you click on that, it will expand the available contact channels:

    Chat would be the fastest way to reach them.

    Let us know what worked for you.

    TIP: will be getting new computer then and will be starting fresh - Should you get a new device, it's not necessary to change everything, for example to create a new Bitdefender Central account. You can still use the one that you already have and log in to remove the device that's no longer in use, to free up a slot. Then, you can use the same Central account where you have initially activated your subscription, to perform a fresh install on the new device.

    But yes, when it comes to configuring your automatic renewal preferences, in the event the steps provided in the article shared by Flexx don't work for you for some reason, it's best to reach out to Bitdefender Support and they will help you with that and find out why the basic steps didn't work in the first place.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • I am experiencing the same issue. No email, see the charge on my credit card, but still no ability to access the information needed to activate the product.

  • PhilTN
    edited October 2024

    Alexandru: Yes I already checked spam and all folder, did it 3x over, never got one link. The email was correct because it was cut and paste exact, and even checked the case to be sure perfect match. Is it possible the software itself is thinking it is suspicious and blocking it? I did turn on email checks also…….

    The email seems to potentially work, but no luck with other 2 options, circular ….. I sure hope them just don't auto send a link to the same article…. LOL

  • Dexx:

    How to's & Troubleshooting Bitdefender products Troubleshooting I don't know Contact Support

    That path is better than me going specific with my issue and just push to article…. will see based on email sent back to me. Thanks

  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited October 2024

    @PhilTN if you already raised a ticket with the Support teams, they will be able to sort this out for you.

    @Razixs can you elaborate on your situation? Did you place a new order on the Bitdefender website, or is this about an automatic renewal order? Because if it's the latter, the subscription would have been extended without any further action required from you. However, you should have received a confirmation email in both cases, so here I would advise to get in touch with Bitdefender Support as well.
    We can't really check the order status nor the subscription renewal details on the forum, to be able to advise further.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • ewny
    ewny Mr.
    edited January 25

    I love my Bitdefender products but I can't pay for them.

    I have the same issue with payment: Overall I have several pending payments so I just gave up. All I wanted to do was renew my bitdefender subscription and it doesn't take any of my debit cards.

    I had the same issue a month ago when I renewed another bitdefender product.

    I have removed all my debit cards from the verifone site and sent an email about half an hour ago. Not sure if I should try the phone numbers or just move to another product.

    I could add paypal but I'm not betting on that working either and I will end up with another pending charge. I already have 7 of them.

    All Orders : 0 Unpaid, 7 Pending, 21 Finished.

    Should I call or move on? That's my question of the hour?

    No one should have to spend an entire hour trying to make a payment.

  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited January 27

    Hi @ewny,

    Obviously, that's not the intended behavior and usually the payments go through smoothly.

    However, if there's a mismatch between the cardholder's name and billing address, or any other issue with the payment information, a transaction may fail.

    In your 2Checkout account, after login, you will see a list of all your purchases placed on, in reverse chronological order. The order date is the date the order was placed on the Bitdefender website. Click on View order details to display the order details summary.

    An order can have one of the following statuses:

    • Finished – Order is paid and fulfilled.
    • Pending – Order has been approved and is waiting for fulfillment confirmation. To finalize the payment, using the card you have used before or using another card, access the link ‘View order details’, then press ‘Finalize’ at the bottom of the page, under ‘Follow up’.
    • Unpaid – Order has incomplete or invalid payment details. 2Checkout will try to recover the order (you will receive a follow-up email with further information for finalizing the order).

    If this doesn't work, kindly get in touch with Bitdefender Support to find out what is the reason behind the pending transactions. They can help you troubleshoot this and you can use the link previously shared on this thread to get in touch with them. And since you have so many pending transactions, I would advise that you do not place any orders until the situation is resolved.

    Let us know how it goes.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user