System & Rescue Enviroment Scans are Missing a Feature

i do not see a '' Root it scan '' feature in system scan & rescue scan even rescue scan is performed in a crucial environment specially when windows normal start up becomes impossible , why this important scan type is missing in this special environment ?
bit users can only avail this kind of scan by using a custom scan option when they can normally start the windows.
There should be an option to select or deselect root kit scan right inside the system scan along with an option to select/deselect '' scan all/new or modified files , because users have to by pas your system scan & need to create a custom scan to avail proper security.
2. Does system scan mean only the C drive which is usually the system drive ? ll it not scan the other drives ? or anything e.g. external drives ? if this is so there should be a built in scan which should scan all of the drives including recently attached any sort of new drive.
if you consider my opinion legitimate plz forward it to the devs, thx.
Hi @Rock.87,
There is an option for scanning only new or modified files and this only refers to on access. You can find this setting if you go to Protection → Antivirus → Advanced and scroll down the list of features.
Regarding scan drives, in theory Bitdefender scans absolutely everything, and if some drives are not scanned, they most likely have peculiarities or exceptions set.
For scanning peripherals, there is also a scan option which can be configured according to user preferences — Scan Flash Drives.
As for the first question, I need to perform some checks.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user