Cannot Update. Need Help!
Mine BitDef is hosed. Please help.
All was well for quite some time. And then update would not work. It still does not. The message is that I have 1 critical issue to fix, the update, but when I click on Fix and it finally tries to update, I get the Update Progress screen and no progress and a message saying:
Update cancelled. Stop the running scan process and try again.
I have looked through the Forum and cannot find/stop any scan on my system, and I decided, okay what do I have to lose, I'm registered, I'll just uninstall and reinstall and all will be okay right? But no, once I reinstalled, I get the exact same problem.
I need to have protection, but this lack of update and no solution is scaring me a bit.
Can anyone help me, Please!
My system
Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit with SP1 (German)
MUL English installed (I don't speak/read German)
Registered 12.0.10, valid for another 285 days
Engine Version: 7.20538
Mine BitDef is hosed. Please help.
All was well for quite some time. And then update would not work. It still does not. The message is that I have 1 critical issue to fix, the update, but when I click on Fix and it finally tries to update, I get the Update Progress screen and no progress and a message saying:
Update cancelled. Stop the running scan process and try again.
I have looked through the Forum and cannot find/stop any scan on my system, and I decided, okay what do I have to lose, I'm registered, I'll just uninstall and reinstall and all will be okay right? But no, once I reinstalled, I get the exact same problem.
I need to have protection, but this lack of update and no solution is scaring me a bit.
Can anyone help me, Please!
My system
Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit with SP1 (German)
MUL English installed (I don't speak/read German)
Registered 12.0.10, valid for another 285 days
Engine Version: 7.20538
Same here.
Upgraded from BD V10 free offer with 217 days to go at the invitation of BD tech as original my BD V10 was constant "No updates available".
This was on November 9th.All worked well until an update on the 17th November which I restarted as requested.
This is when the trouble started!!!
Unable to FIX THIS button for UPDATE gives message "Bitdefender Update Service Unavailable".Codswallop!!!
FIX for SCAN worked OK.
I have been getting the same results as you and it has been has been going on since November17th.
Just tried Repair option and with same results.
Numerous Restarts to no avail.
Judging by this forum this is a consistent and chronic problem.I thought I was alone in the Bitdefender wilderness!!
I have had no response from my report to Bit Defender support with my original Ticket number since November 17th.
I am not amused and this experience is NOT making me keen to purchased Bitdefender 2009 when my time of 217 days expire unless they can sort this out.
I am looking at other providers such as Kaspersky etc and will go to them and cut my losses with Bitdefender.
Is there anyone out there with an answer???
Same problem as the first post.
BD complains that updates haven't been done.
I uninstalled and reinstalled as suggested.
Exactly the same problem as before.
BitDefender Internet Security 2009
Version: 12.0.110 -
Mine BitDef is hosed. Please help.
All was well for quite some time. And then update would not work. It still does not. The message is that I have 1 critical issue to fix, the update, but when I click on Fix and it finally tries to update, I get the Update Progress screen and no progress and a message saying:
Update cancelled. Stop the running scan process and try again.
I have looked through the Forum and cannot find/stop any scan on my system, and I decided, okay what do I have to lose, I'm registered, I'll just uninstall and reinstall and all will be okay right? But no, once I reinstalled, I get the exact same problem.
I need to have protection, but this lack of update and no solution is scaring me a bit.
Can anyone help me, Please!
My system
Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit with SP1 (German)
MUL English installed (I don't speak/read German)
Registered 12.0.10, valid for another 285 days
Engine Version: 7.205380 -
Mine BitDef is hosed. Please help.
All was well for quite some time. And then update would not work. It still does not. The message is that I have 1 critical issue to fix, the update, but when I click on Fix and it finally tries to update, I get the Update Progress screen and no progress and a message saying:
Update cancelled. Stop the running scan process and try again.
I have looked through the Forum and cannot find/stop any scan on my system, and I decided, okay what do I have to lose, I'm registered, I'll just uninstall and reinstall and all will be okay right? But no, once I reinstalled, I get the exact same problem.
I need to have protection, but this lack of update and no solution is scaring me a bit.
Can anyone help me, Please!
My system
Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit with SP1 (German)
MUL English installed (I don't speak/read German)
Registered 12.0.10, valid for another 285 days
Engine Version: 7.205380 -
Best I can suggest is that we inundate them with lots of emails to support, explaining our problem.
See their own website about how to troubleshoot and then report problems:
Beware that the files they want are not where they say they are (at least on my machine) and that the commands they want you to run need to be run in Administrator mode.
So, I found and sent them:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Update Service\file v_live_s.xml
Then you need to send the output of two commands, that only worked on mine if I ran the command prompt in administrator mode. So:
Go to Start, click All Programs then Accessories and right-click on Command Prompt. Select Run as administrator
At the command prompt, paste the following commands:
nslookup >c:\nslookup.log
tracert >c:\tracert.log
The second one took ages on my machine and I ended up running it without using an output file (i.e. didn't include the bit ">c:\tracert.log") and then just sent them the output that I saw in the Command Prompt window.0 -
I too am having the same problem with BD update and unfortunately the same problems with tech support from BD.
My BD problems and lack of support led me to join this forum. I am a newbie, just 1 day old. After reading various posts on this forum and the problems users have with BD and in particular the lack of support I am very nervous.
I will kill Bit Defender after two years using on 3 systems and go with another anti-virus program after I finish this post
I have 300+ days to go on my current subscription for 3 I guess I will get my pound of flesh with negative posts where ever and when ever I can
Good luck with your problems.0 -
If BD 2009 is a problem for you, simply remove BD2009 (not quite ready for all users) and then re-install BD2008. 2009 will be ready soon, maybe in 2009?
I finally did that a week or so ago and now 2008 has never had a problem for me, updates always work, etc. My 2008 license key worked with the 2009 upgrade, and then worked again when I downgraded back to 2008.
When removing 2009 I used the BD 2009 removal software tool and after a re-boot, I ran the removal tool again. Now you can install 2008.
Don't do any of this until you have the 2008 install program on your computer. My file is called
bitdefender_internetsecurity_2008_32b.exe and is 38,077 KB.
If you don't have it, do a search and you will see it listed is several places. BD's web site should have it somewhere but I couldn't find it there.
PS: All of my experience has been with "BD Internet Security", not the AV or Total Security.
Moderators: Please don't remove this post, I'm not telling users to abandon BD. I'm simply presenting the only solution I could find to an annoying problem.0 -
To the person saying roll back to 2008 - I don't HAVE 2008.
To the brainless MEwho was getting annoyed and didn't READ the troubleshooting page properly:
I'd turned off Vista's firewall, but use a router that has it's own firewall. The brutal fix is to turn it off as Internet Security has its own. A more precise fix would be to permit this program to work through the firewall and open port 80. Go see that link I posted earlier for more info.
So just to be clear - leave the BitDefender Firewall ON and adjust or turn off all others (on any routers and also in Windows Vista). See -
Further to my troubles as with others of updates since Nov 17th.
I clicked on my desktop just on a whim! [picture of open box and screen not BD red logo] and came up with "do you want to open this file etc.."
Which I did.
BD notified me to get updated version of BD 2009 if I wished.
I went through the process.
Looked like BD removed all the old BD files etc. etc.
Download completed new version in 7 minutes approx.
Restarted per instructions.
Another message to install BD Wizard started again.
Looks like it added the new files etc.
Restarted per instructions.
Went through set up procedure window and reaching Step 5.
Step 5 did the automatic update of 5893KB without any problem and it was done successfully.
Restart was not requested praise be to the cyberspace gods!
Now BD is doing system scan.
Hopefully it works correctly now.
I bought K...........Y on sale here for insurance.I will take it back if all goes well!!
I appreciate that my experiences are not "computer speak" but just my observations.
Best wishes to all.
All was well for quite some time. And then update would not work. It still does not. The message is that I have 1 critical issue to fix, the update, but when I click on Fix and it finally tries to update, I get the Update Progress screen and no progress and a message saying:
Update cancelled. Stop the running scan process and try again.
I have looked through the Forum and cannot find/stop any scan on my system, and I decided, okay what do I have to lose, I'm registered, I'll just uninstall and reinstall and all will be okay right? But no, once I reinstalled, I get the exact same problem.
I need to have protection, but this lack of update and no solution is scaring me a bit.
Can anyone help me, Please!
My system
Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit with SP1 (German)
MUL English installed (I don't speak/read German)
Registered 12.0.10, valid for another 285 days
Engine Version: 7.205380 -
Have the same problem here! Uninstalled and re installed and now update page is not accessible. Send 4 -mails to Technical support and have not received any replies.
Wonder if they read these forums. I am disappointed in the support and have 16 days to revert my protection to what I previously had on all of my PC's.0 -
To: Samba Ndiaye
Open Bit Defender console. Click on Advanced Tab on its title bar. Click Update on left pane, then click on Settings tab in right pane. Just in the bottom part uncheck the "don't update while scanning" & "don't update while game mode is on". Click Apply, close and restart. Now update it should work0 -
When this condition is encountered.
All the Update windows were greyed out and un-clickable.
Also shows BD update unavailable.
FIX this problem button does NOT fix this problem.
It just takes you to update window with the BD unavailable message.
However.......since I last wrote my amateurish observations it all seems to be working as should be........Touch wood!
I still have misgivings about BD and have 200 days to go after taking BD invitation to update to 2009 from V10.....we shall see how it goes.
Regards to all.
Below comment is ok under normal circumstances but not able to do under aforementioned conditions we have encountered.
Open Bit Defender console. Click on Advanced Tab on its title bar. Click Update on left pane, then click on Settings tab in right pane. Just in the bottom part uncheck the "don't update while scanning" & "don't update while game mode is on". Click Apply, close and restart. Now update it should work0 -
I had an online chat with one of the Bid Defender techs. I was told that they are aware of the problem and are working on it. The issue centers around an update server. I was not given any further information.
I can access the settings tab for updating, however, cannot access the individual options, all greyed out.0 -
I had an online chat with one of the Bid Defender techs. I was told that they are aware of the problem and are working on it. The issue centers around an update server. I was not given any further information.
I can access the settings tab for updating, however, cannot access the individual options, all greyed out.
Glad to see that they are aware and I and others are not alone and you at least got a plausible answer.
Perhaps the reason for no reply to my Nov17th last report to BD.0 -
Glad to see that they are aware and I and others are not alone and you at least got a plausible answer.
Perhaps the reason for no reply to my Nov17th last report to BD.
I got frustrated with the problem and decided to trouble shoot myself. It workded. Please read the response to a support ticket that I sent to Bit Defender:
I completely uninstalled Bit Defender Total Security 2009 because another issue developed since I sent my support request. Bit Defender was running a virus scan automatically when I started my computer. I found this out when I attempted to run a normal Scan Disk on volume C which was inaccessible because of this automatic scan. I could not stop Bit Defender from scanning, thus, I decided to remove it from my computer. My operating System is XP.
I uninstalled Bit Defender and also downloaded and ran your Removal Tool. I then downloaded Bit Defender from the website. The product is now working and updating. I resolved the problem on my accord. I get the feeling that Bit Defender was corrupt and also causing me start-up issues.0 -
Glad to see that they are aware and I and others are not alone and you at least got a plausible answer.
Perhaps the reason for no reply to my Nov17th last report to BD.
Which version of BitDefender are you currently using ?
@bartman1955: Indeed, upon reinstalling BitDefender, the issue is resolved. Please note that you must use the uninstall tool provided by BitDefender in order to completely remove all the remaining files. Restart your computer and then download the installation kit and install it.
Hint: Use 'Save' option and not 'Run' and it might create few minor issues upon installation.0 -
My original problem occurred intermittently throughout end of November through December. Perhaps there was a server issue. However, it happened again in the last week., following James707's post I seem to have fixed my problem, by UNchecking don't update while scan is in progress, and UNchecking don't update if game mode is on. Doesn't seem right to me, but it solved the problem.
0 -
Same here.
Upgraded from BD V10 free offer with 217 days to go at the invitation of BD tech as original my BD V10 was constant "No updates available".
This was on November 9th.All worked well until an update on the 17th November which I restarted as requested.
This is when the trouble started!!!
Unable to FIX THIS button for UPDATE gives message "Bitdefender Update Service Unavailable".Codswallop!!!
FIX for SCAN worked OK.
I have been getting the same results as you and it has been has been going on since November17th.
Just tried Repair option and with same results.
Numerous Restarts to no avail.
Judging by this forum this is a consistent and chronic problem.I thought I was alone in the Bitdefender wilderness!!
I have had no response from my report to Bit Defender support with my original Ticket number since November 17th.
I am not amused and this experience is NOT making me keen to purchased Bitdefender 2009 when my time of 217 days expire unless they can sort this out.
I am looking at other providers such as Kaspersky etc and will go to them and cut my losses with Bitdefender.
Is there anyone out there with an answer???
I hope I can help you - I renewed my BD Antivirus a few days ago and what a massive problem there was - "update" was completely grayed out and nothing would work - I contacted BD support and NOTHING of any significance amd still waiting.......................2 days now!
Then I decided to have one last go myself, so I used the BD 'removal tool' HERE - then disabled my firewall and anything to do with anytivirus or spyware on my computer.
Then downloaded BD Antivirus 2009 from the actual Bit Defender website and added the 'register' number I had been given.
So far so good, I could update and everything was working as it should - then I had to 'reboot' - after rebooting none of the icons(shortcuts) on my desktop and sys tray would work, so I went into my 'documents & settings' to 'start menu' and sent the BD icon to my desktop and it worked!
Everything is still working now and hope it lasts................0