[open]bitdefender Does Not Start
Hi I'm using BD v.10 Internet Security. I just formatted my laptop and installed bitdefender again. It seemed to be ok, but when I rebooted I noticed BD does not show up in the system tray.
It stills update itself...
But then I went to Control Panel / Administrative tools / Services and I noticed the Bitdefender Virus Shield is not running, even though it is set to automatic. And when I tried to start this service manually it gave me an error:
Can't start the service BitDefender Virus Shield on this computer...
Error 1053
What is this? Does that mean I am not protected by BD? What's up with that...
Also when I click on the shrotcut on my desktop the program does not run.
Thanks for the support.
Anybody? I've been without an antivirus for 2 days now, although I still have 300+ days left on my subscription!!
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I also can't start BD security. vsserv will not start, error msg saying the temp files are not good. I tried calling tech support on all thier numbers & after being placed on hold for a long time I get a beep & disconnected. I have used BD for a while now & really like the program but support needs to improve BIG time!
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I gave up on trying to have BD on my laptop, I just installed Norton 360 and I'm much happier with it so far.
I will be trying to get BD running on this computer I'm in right now. If it doesn't work I will just give up on BD for good and be a Norton customer...
From what I've read this is a "not so rare" bug. I searched these forums and google and found a number of people with the same problem and none got it fixed nor did BD support provide a patch or a solution.
It's not like a single feature is not working... it's the whole program itself!!!!!!0 -
BD v.10 isn't in development anymore and also it is a version that is unsupported now.
Please uninstall with this tool: http://www.bitdefender.com/uninstall/ and after that install the 2009 version from here: http://download.bitdefender.com/windows/in...r_isecurity.exe
Come back and tell us if you still have these problems.0 -
BD v.10 isn't in development anymore and also it is a version that is unsupported now.
Please uninstall with this tool: http://www.bitdefender.com/uninstall/ and after that install the 2009 version from here: http://download.bitdefender.com/windows/in...r_isecurity.exe
Come back and tell us if you still have these problems.
I use BD2009 Int Security & as you can see above had big prblems. I did exactly what you said & it works fine now. I am a happy camper again, however I still have never heard back from tech support. I had emailed them & chat live & tried to call with no luck. Tech support needs to improve BIG time or they will lose many customers!0 -
BD v.10 isn't in development anymore and also it is a version that is unsupported now.
Please uninstall with this tool: http://www.bitdefender.com/uninstall/ and after that install the 2009 version from here: http://download.bitdefender.com/windows/in...r_isecurity.exe
Come back and tell us if you still have these problems.
Thanks. I downloaded 2009 and it seemed it was working great.
But then the program froze on me twice already (on about 20 minutes of using it)... The first time I tried to update BD after the installation and then it froze and said the service (vsserv.exe) is unnavailable. Then I reboot the pc and it came back... after about 15-20 minutes I right clicked on the program and once again it froze, and I got the message the service is not available...
What's going on? I'm losing my mind here.
EDIT: By the way I'm using Windows XP, SP3 installed.0