Real Time Scan Stopping Downloads Progress

Hi I have a problem with my fully updated and purchased copy of Bitfefender Total Security 2009.Once I have the real time scan enabled my downloads sometimes reach 30% 50% sometimes 99% and stops there...once I disable the real time scan and resume the downloads it completes 100%.....and I experience no problems once I leave real time disabled.I have tried different OS versions even re-install my OS several times i even tried different download managers and still the problem exists.I even did manual scans on the files I download and they are all clean.Cause while trouble shooting I taught that it was filtering my downloads and stopping it once it detects a virus but that isn't the case because manual scans shows up clean.Have u guys ever experienced or heard about this issue?The files I download are mostly .rar files in archives so I don't know if that might help with the investigation.Could you please help me cause I really don't like the idea of having my real time scan disabled so I can download.If this problem persist maybe I would need to change over too another security system which I really don't want to do cause I really love Bitdefender and find it to be the best I have ever used.


  • this is what i do

    my d/l folder is f:\downloads, and it's exluded from real time scanning

    when download process is complete, i scan all new files to make sure they're clean

  • ok viscon well this is a setting i had already tried but maybe i didn't configure it correctly.Could you please tell me what are the exact settings u have?Right Now My download folder is d:/Downloads1/ in the exclusions tab I have it set to On Access-No and the On this correct?Before I had it On Access Yes and On Demand meanwhile I would try it with these new settings and see how things work out.Thanks for this information.

  • on the exlusions tab "exceptions are enabled" is ticked ON

    and both settings, "on access" and "on demand" are set to YES here

    but wait, there's a temporary folder where files being downloaded are partially stored/cached before they're written to a destination folder.

    if BitDefender scans this temp folder, that might slows down the whole process or even stop it for some time (?)

  • flandrei
    flandrei Bitdefender VPN Product Manager BD Staff

    Hi there,

    I wouldn't suggest adding the Temp folder to the exceptions list, you might get infected if BitDefender is not allowed to scan the downloaded files. When you say Rar files, do you mean torrents? What application do you use for downloading? You could try adding that application to the exceptions list, and also you could add exceptions for .rar files. This way, if there is a virus in one of the rar files, it will first need to get out of the archive to infect your PC, but at that point BitDefender will catch it. Also, if you set the Realtime Protection Level to Permissive(just as a test) are you able to download properly?



  • Ok well this is what I am going to do.I would not add the temp folder to the exclusions lists anymore.I would just add the download manager to the Excluded Applications lists and add .rar to the extensions lists.One question though.If I do not want bitdefender to scan .rar files what are the settings should i use for the on access and the on demand?Should I have both of them set to YES?I am a little confused with the appropriate settings.Could you guys explain what On Demand and On Access means?

  • flandrei
    flandrei Bitdefender VPN Product Manager BD Staff
    edited February 2009

    Hi there,

    You should keep the On Access to YES and On Demand to NO. On Access reffers to scanning the file as soon as it is accessed by any application/user. This means that while it is being downloaded, it will not be scanned. On Demand reffers to the Manual Scan, either Deep Full or Quick. So this way, it will not scan the files when you download them, but if you do a Deep Scan for example, it will scan them, just to be on the safe side.



  • that temporary folder i mentioned, i didn't mean Temporary Internet Files or so.

    d/l managers have their own temp folders where they store partially d/led files.

    as for the exclusions, although i have both, OnAccess and OnDemand set to YES, i can still perform contextual scan on that specific folder.

    i even intentionally put infected file to that folder and performed contextual scan on it - BD reports it as infected, although on demand exclusion is set to YES.

    might be my configuration is somehow weird or messed up.

  • flandrei
    flandrei Bitdefender VPN Product Manager BD Staff

    Hi there,

    I know you were not reffering to the Content.IE5. Also, I think I made a mistake in the above post. The contextual scan is meant to catch viruses even if they are excluded from scanning. Your settings are ok.



  • Well I think I give up now.I tried all different settings I also fiddled with the ''yes'' and ''no'' and to no avail.The progress of my downloads just stop at any point during it's downloads.I have noticed though that it only seems to happen with .rar file extensions.The files that I usally download are .rar files that are in an archive..I usually use winrar to open them up.Even though I have the behavioral action enabled and i set bitdefender to leave my download manager alone it still stops the download for no reason.The files are clean so I have ruled out that possibility so I can't understand why it stops the download...The only way I am able to get my downloads I would have to disable the real time scan then my downloads resume from where they stopped...I think I would just leave it disabled and do manual scans on my downloads ok.If u guys have any last options that I could try please reply...But the last thing i am going to do is update to the very latest bitdefender 09.I have version 12.0.10 at present and i just downloaded a newer version 12.0.15 I think.

  • Well I must say this is one of the best experiences I have had with an anti-virus program..I eventually updated to version 12.0.11 but the problem I was experiencing was totally my fault,in the behavioral action settings when I added my download manager to the list I forgot to drag the slider on the ''LOW'' option down at the bottom,that's why I still was having problems even though I added exceptions and extensions and all that...So now everything works 100%!!!..All I need to do in the future is just add my download folder to the exceptions lists and add my download manager app to the behavioral action and set it too low and that's it.Very Simple...Thanks again to Florin Andrei and Viscon for helping me to better understand how bitdefender works.Great Job keep up the good work.

  • Dear platinumsteel,

    BitDefender http traffic scanner might the problem. Try this open BitDefender switch to advanced view,antivirus section, high light shield tab press on custom level and uncheck scan http traffic press on ok. If you might got infected BitDefender on-access scanner will catch it.

    Kind regards,


  • Thanks for the information Niels but the option you are talking about is Disabled by default on first install.So I did not have too uncheck it.It was always disabled.

  • flandrei
    flandrei Bitdefender VPN Product Manager BD Staff

    Hi there Platinumsteel,

    I am glad that your issue was resolved. Feel free to contact us should you ever need help/guidance with BitDefender products.



  • Well maybe I have talked too fast.The problem occurred once with me again last night.I am a little bit ashamed for saying that it has been resolved now.But I didn't add the temp folder to exceptions lists.I have now done it and still troubleshooting to see if the problem persists.But you know what i think I would continue to bear with this wonderful product cause I really like it and don't really want to try any other substitutes.But I won't be crying to you guys anymore,I think I would just continue to play with the settings and see which one might be causing the issue.It happens with rar files only.Hopefully I would think that the technical team is testing and working on it and hopefully resolve this issue in future releases..Thanks again.

  • Dear platinumsteel,

    You are right that by default that option is disabled but not when you have set the protection level on aggressive.

    How big are the .rar archives that you want to download? You can try this open BitDefender, switch to advanced view,antivirus,high light the shield tab and press on custom level check the option Do not scan archives greater than you can change the size by default it's approx. 20 MB you can change the value press on ok to save the changes.

    Kind regards,


  • Ok I am going to try this immediately..thanks neil.I would set it too 5mb.

  • Dear platinumsteel,

    Did you verified the time-out settings in your download manager? Try to increase them.

    Kind regards,


  • oh yeh sorry buddy.I am suppose to increase it instead of decreasing..Will get back to you guys in a couple days.