Address Added:

I am recently seeing wireless notifications about being added. Whois says it is from BLACKHOLE-1.IANA.ORG. What is this? Should I be blocking them,and if so,how?


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Do you know that IP or that domain ?!

    If not, just block them ;)

  • Do you know that IP or that domain ?!

    If not, just block them ;)

    How do I block them? I wanted to make sure that this is not a BitDefender domain.

    I looked at the advanced Firewall rules,and among those that came with the BitDefender installation are:

    index 5: allow everything for any application on a an adapter that is "Full Trust"

    index 6: same thing for an adapter that is "Trusted Local"

    index 7: deny everything on a "Blocked" adapter

    The only adapter listed in the Network section are my "wirelss network connection" does this mean that my firewall is open to everything???

  • How do I block them? I wanted to make sure that this is not a BitDefender domain.

    I looked at the advanced Firewall rules,and among those that came with the BitDefender installation are:

    index 5: allow everything for any application on a an adapter that is "Full Trust"

    index 6: same thing for an adapter that is "Trusted Local"

    index 7: deny everything on a "Blocked" adapter

    The only adapter listed in the Network section are my "wirelss network connection" does this mean that my firewall is open to everything???


    I added

    to my drivers\etc\hosts file. Does this block it? Was an external site getting into my system or just some internal mechanism (UDP)/ The address of my router is standard 192.......