Windows Live Messenger Problem -crash


Hey all. New to the forum but i thought this is the best place for the answer as i can't find it any where else.

My windows live messenger, doesn't matter what version, so long as i have Bitdefender i am unable to speak with a few 'specific' friends on my list. When ever a message is recieved from them, or when i try to open a chat window with them MSN instantly crashes.

However, when i use the windows messenger (comes default with xp home and pro) i don't have this issue. My other friend also has this same problem and he uses bitdefender.

I've already contacted MS about this but they have no clue on their end and tried everything, also reakon that its my anti-virus software.

Please help me with this, its been happening for tooo long now!!!



  • i got this problem too man. its annoying and i got vista.

  • xa0s

    Can any one help please!??!?

  • alexcrist

    Hello Xa0s,

    What version of BitDefender do you have?


  • xa0s

    total secruity 2009, always updated.

  • alexcrist

    Topic moved to the correct section.

    xa0s, is there any similarity between the contacts that crash WLM?

    I also experienced this kind of behavior a long time ago (in BETA faze), but with Yahoo Messenger 9. The problem then was that the contacts which crashed YM had no names (they only had YM ID). This problem was fixed once I found out the cause and reported it.

    So please check for similarities between the contacts and make some tests to see if you can find any specific conditions that cause the crash.


  • xa0s

    I'm sorry but I don't really understand what you mean by similarities and such? Sorry but, can you be a little more specific :S?

  • alexcrist

    Like I said, things like if those contacts have stored their names in WLM, or only the contact ID.

    My best guess is that it's somehow related to the IM encryption module, which displays in BDs interface the contact ID (not the name, only the ID), the IM client and the encryption status.

    And since you say you have problems only with specific contacts, and always with those contacts, it means that those contacts have something in common, which causes something to break.

    The similarities have to be related to how those contacts appear in your contact list. It has nothing to do with what computer they have or what software they use.


  • xa0s

    Ok now i understand, but how do i fix this problem though? i tried different settings of BD but not sucesssful so far, maybe im not adjust it the right way? any ideas?

  • alexcrist

    Please tell us what similarities you find, so that they can be forwarded to the testing department. Once the exact causes of the crash are found, the problem can be fixed by automatic update.

  • xa0s

    hrmmm, unfortunatly i couldnt find any similarities within the contacts and mine.

    Its also hard for some, because thye leave offline messages and when i log on it'll just crash, also when thye just sent me a message it'll crash before i get to see their email/contact, therefore i dont know who.(yes ive tried asking who sent me messages :P)

  • xa0s

    Eh, i give up on this problem, it seems that bitdefender help area are unable to solve their own issues, that really ###### because i like bitdefender up until the 2009 version =\. Everythign is good except for this unsolvable problem. Well its good bye Bitdefender and moving on to another AV program, if this is solved then i'll be back but otherwise, good bye.

  • puffelf

    I have this same problem with a few of my contacts and it is beyond annoying. As far as similarities between the contacts... um... The 3 people I can think of off the top of my head have either "_" (like h_dawn) or a "." (like goth.girl) in their email addresses.

  • This is also happening to me, and this is REALLY annoying, I'm thinking about changing my AV too...

    If you want the adress of the person with whom this is happening with me, just pm me...

  • Alex Stanciu
    This is also happening to me, and this is REALLY annoying, I'm thinking about changing my AV too...

    If you want the adress of the person with whom this is happening with me, just pm me...

    Hello Elvis_Yeah ,

    We need to see exactly what BitDefender option is causing this . In order to do this please follow the next instructions :

    1. Open BitDefender and SWITCH TO ADVANCED VIEW;

    2. Select the Antivirus module on the left and go to the "Shield" tab;

    3. Click on the Custom Level button;

    4. Make sure the following itemes are NOT checked:

    - Scan http traffic

    - Scan Yahoo Messenger traffic

    - Scan Windows Live Messenger traffic

    5. Click on the "OK" button in apply the changes.

    Test to see if the issue persists and if it does , please click on the Encryption module , disable it , then look if Windows Live Messenger is working properly this time .

    We are waiting your response.

    Thank you .

  • xa0s

    Hello all. I am back.

    I've went with NOD32 and it was workign really well but I did miss the layout and functionality of Bitdefender and wanted to give it a try again, and solve this problem.

    yes this problem still persists and i've tried the method mentioned by you Alex and it still isn't working.

    Do you have any more suggestions?

    HOpefully this could be solved soon.


  • xa0s

    Sorry didn't know how to edit above post to not double post but -

    I have tried turning off Bitdefender (AV, Firewall, A-Spam etc) all off. and logged on to MSN but still same problem with same contacts.

    I've been using another AV for quite some time now, no reformats between the two AV but when i just reinstalled BD the problem persists with the 'same' contacts i had troubles with since the begining... strange.

  • Hello Elvis_Yeah ,

    We need to see exactly what BitDefender option is causing this . In order to do this please follow the next instructions :

    1. Open BitDefender and SWITCH TO ADVANCED VIEW;

    2. Select the Antivirus module on the left and go to the "Shield" tab;

    3. Click on the Custom Level button;

    4. Make sure the following itemes are NOT checked:

    - Scan http traffic

    - Scan Yahoo Messenger traffic

    - Scan Windows Live Messenger traffic

    5. Click on the "OK" button in apply the changes.

    Test to see if the issue persists and if it does , please click on the Encryption module , disable it , then look if Windows Live Messenger is working properly this time .

    We are waiting your response.

    Thank you .

    That did not solve the problem, msn is still crashing everytime something happens with that contact...

    I tried to delete some files related with IM encryption thinking that was the problem. Did worked one time when I deleted a bunch of files (and some registry keys too?) but then, Bitdefender was a bit unstable so I reinstalled it... but the problem came back...

  • costel

    Disable the msn encryption , then rename msndll.dll from C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2009 . Does that contact have some special characters (in name)?

  • xa0s

    Ok everyone.

    I have not checked for simliarity BUT, what i have found is that in any contact, as soon as they have ">" (excl quotes) in the nick name, be it by itself, behind or infront of any character the msn will crash with upon entering chat with that contact!!!

    Only way to avoid this is obvioulys to rename your contacts to exclude the ">" character.

    BUT why as BD customers should we have to go and do this the hard way right?

    Please make a fix for this.

    @ Costel, how do you rename a file being used by your computers AV, its access denied.

  • Alex Stanciu
    Ok everyone.

    I have not checked for simliarity BUT, what i have found is that in any contact, as soon as they have ">" (excl quotes) in the nick name, be it by itself, behind or infront of any character the msn will crash with upon entering chat with that contact!!!

    Only way to avoid this is obvioulys to rename your contacts to exclude the ">" character.

    BUT why as BD customers should we have to go and do this the hard way right?

    Please make a fix for this.

    @ Costel, how do you rename a file being used by your computers AV, its access denied.

    Hello xa0s ,

    In order to rename that file please follow the "msndll.dll" file from C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2009 please follow the steps bellow :

    1. Start your computer in Safe Mode :

    - restart the computer;

    - repeatedly press the "F8" key several times before Microsoft Windows begins

    to load (you need to press "F8" until you will be displayed a text menu);

    - select "SAFE MODE" in the text menu and press "Enter".

    - wait while Windows loads in Safe Mode; this process ends with a confirmation

    message; click "Yes" to acknowledge.

    2. Go to C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2009 , rename the file and then start your computer in Normal Mode .

    Thank you .

  • Ok everyone.

    I have not checked for simliarity BUT, what i have found is that in any contact, as soon as they have ">" (excl quotes) in the nick name, be it by itself, behind or infront of any character the msn will crash with upon entering chat with that contact!!!

    Only way to avoid this is obvioulys to rename your contacts to exclude the ">" character.

    BUT why as BD customers should we have to go and do this the hard way right?

    Please make a fix for this.

    @ Costel, how do you rename a file being used by your computers AV, its access denied.

    Yes, this is exactly the problem, I phoned a friend and told him to put a ">" in his nickname. Well msn was now boging everytime I tried to talk to him...

    I'll try to rename msndll.dll later tonight...

    Now that the issue is identified, it would be nice to have a fix...

  • Even after changing the name of msnDll.dll, msn is still crashing.

  • Even after changing the name of msnDll.dll, msn is still crashing.

    But changing the name of Imguimsn.dll does solve the problem...

    Sorry about double post...

  • xa0s
    edited July 2009

    What it does? imguimsn.dll? i'lll test it now, thanks man! Alex sorry late reply, looks like i wont have to try as Elvis have tried it, hahah but i'll try his way.

    BTW Elvis, you can just right click your friends name on msn and add a nick name, instead of havign to call him to change his name ahahah =D

  • xa0s
    edited July 2009

    Ok back. Sorry for double post.

    Finally this problem is solved. Here is a summary for people incase they dont' bother reading or made easier -

    The file from

    (main drive, i.e C) C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2009, named "imguimsn.dll" must be renamed. (I.E put a number in front of it or whatever). Every other options and settings I have on Bitdefender is on default. I.E I did not have to turn off encryption.

    To Do this -

    Option A (My way)

    - Download program called Unlocker(free trial), this program allows you to move, rename, delete or ANY thing with files or folder that you don't have access to because your computer is still using that file. (E.G System volumne information from an external hard drive could be deleted with this program).

    - Install the program.

    - goto C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2009, right click imguimsn.dll, click Unlock, choose the option to rename and then rename it. It'll ask you to restart the computer.

    - Finish.

    Option B

    - Restart the computer into Safe mode (keep pressing F8 when restarting)

    - Choose to boot in Safe mode

    - After booting up, select Yes to continue running in safe mode and not to open system restorer.

    - goto C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2009, rename the file imguimsn.dll

    - restart the computer into normal mode (don't have to press f8 its automatic).

    Ok, lastly, can i please have someone from Bitdefender, or any one thats able to answer this -

    What is the IMGUIMSN.DLL file? What does it do? What benifits does this have if i have not renamed it? What disadvantage do i have if i rename it? Why does it affect MSN nick names character - ">" ? Will a fix be placed in to correct this issue with this file?


  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello xa0s ,

    IMGUIMSN.DLL comes from Instant Message Graphical User Interface MSN . This file is responsible for displaying the BitDefender encryption logo in your MSN instant message window . Basically , if you rename you will disable its functionality . We are sorry for inconvenience and please rest assure that we will come back with a solution as soon as possible.

    Thank you .

  • jonchai

    Hello guys, I would like to know if this issue has been fixed via official update. I still experience frequent crashes with WLM2009 when bitDefender is active.

  • Hi everybody:

    I'm using Win XP x64 + WLM 2009 + Bitdefeder 2009. I found this issue when one of my contacts tried to send me a message. His nick contains the more than symbol (>) . Even worse, his offline messages got 'enqueued', so every time I loged in the messenger crashed.

    I've applied the workaroud solution (renaming the dll file) and it works. I'm waiting for an official patch from Bitdefender.

    Regards from Mexico


    By the way: using Windows 7 Pro RTM x64 (obtained from IEEE-MSDNAA legally) + Bitdefender 2010 + wlm2009 has the same issue.

  • xa0s

    OOk, enough is enough.

    I'm not sure if the techs at bitdefender acutally listen to their customers e.g what this entire thread was about.

    The main problem was imguimsn.dll !

    and ###### it still is! I upgraded to bitdefender 2010 and same problem on windows 7. I did what i usually do, which was rename imguimsn.dll. Ook this is the ###### part, I have to acutally restart the computer to safe mode just to rename imguimsn.dll because it is always access denied!

    I have to do this everytime! And when i say everytime what i mean is bitdefender 2010, EVERY time it updates or rechecks it self or i don't know what the ###### it does, imguimsn.dll COMES UP AGAIN! THIS IS ANNOYING!


    I expect a reply soon, and a patch for this small fix is not hard to cook up. I don't see why me or any other windows 7 and bitdefender 2010 (im guessing over thousands) should go through what i am going through now.

    Redicolous, 2009 was still full of bugs, and without listening to your customers you released 2010 with the exact same bugs. Well done =\

  • xa0s

    Ok i think i got it.

    I did the usual renaming the dll file.

    BUT also i have to disable the traffic flow of msn on BITDEFENDER and the scan for anti-spam stuff for it. Ever since then i havn't had any repeats. But honestly, should any customers go through this?

  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello xa0s,

    This situation has been solved with our 2010 product and that is why we recommend you to upgrade for free to this product following the next steps.

    Thank you.

  • Hah, i sure hope so because my last few post i did already mention that i was already using your newest product, 2010, and still have this problem until 'I' solved it myself.