Bitdefender Is A Sham! Join Our Class-action Lawsuit!

BitDefender's support is useless, and their 2009 product is as well. Numerous reformatting/reinstallations of my OS with BitDefender failing to locate and eradicate my infection. Computer slowed down to a crawl - I was only able to get on-line in Safe Mode.

Customer Support's Live Chat worked well in the first few days; last time I tried to use it (after my FOURTH reinstall of WinXP) I was chatting with someone calling himself Alexander; once he ran my incident ticket number he disconnected me immediately. Subsequent attempts to use Live Chat don't allow me access; I instead only see an email link.

Their "Anti-Phishing" toolbar is SPYWARE (a variant of the "Cool WWW Web Search" program); I didn't buy anti-virus program to have my privacy compromised. See to find out how EVERYONE who UESE and REGISTERS with BitDefender is AT RISK OF LOSING THEIR PRIVATE DATA TO HACKERS!

Useless product; lousy customer service.

I've written demanding a refund ad deletion of my account and all its' data; currently speaking to my legal advisors regarding further actions to take, as I understand BitDefender chooses to ignore customers like me who are dissatisfied.

We are in the first steps of initiating a class-action lawsuit against BitDefender for their shoddy product and practices.

All dissatisfied customers are encouraged to contact me at: fleasir(at)



  • alexcrist
    edited April 2009

    Posting the same message multiple times in multiple topics is called SPAM. This is the reason why this topic is closed.

    Oh, and by the way...the above link doesn't work. :)


  • Fred Lemmon
    edited April 2009

    Writing from Safe Mode via a crippled PC will lead you to SAY ANYTHING to raise a cry of help and (hopefully) get a response from SOMEONE in this forum - especially when BD shuts you out of live chat and refuses to answer your emails.

    Cris was kind enough to assist me in my difficulties, and my problems have now been resolved.

    There will be NO legal action.

    I have asked Cris to delete this post, so if you look for it in the future and it is not here, know that it has been removed BY MY REQUEST AND WITH MY WRITTEN PERMISSION.

    Salmon Dave

    ps: See for more on my experiences...

This discussion has been closed.