Windows Vista 32 Bit Updates- Error Code 80070002

I can not perform any system updates and from what I have read in various places, it may be due to BD IS 2009. I have tried a number of different fixes to no avail, both posted here and on various Windows forums.

Is anyone here found a fix for this? Any advice?




  • hnyaji
    edited April 2009


    have you set the firewall to 'report'?

    disabling BD firewall should help.

  • Hi

    have you set the firewall to 'report'?

    disabling BD firewall should help.

    issue resolved. ended up not being bit defender related, although my playing around with it and examining system files as a result helped in finding the solution.

    problem was corrupted system files, which have been for the record this was NOT BD IS 2009 related.