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"known Dlls" List


I waited on hold for phone service for 34 minutes only to be cut off! 34 minutes! Cut off! Chat is dysfunctional. I really feel I need to talk this through with someone (someone who cares?) but alas, maybe this forum can help.

My company uses a proprietary design program necessary to operating our business. My two associates have been unable to print reports that include the graphics and drawings that are auto-generated and stored in files dynamically linked to the report. Mine always worked great! Then I installed Bit Defender just like they had. Now I am unable to print the reports with graphics and drawings! Bit Defender HAS to be the culprit.

This program is linked to the internet and downloads the drawings as tiff files and stores them in a temp folder and uses other graphics stored as tiff files in another folder. Among the hundreds of users of the program in the network we are the only three people (previously two people) that has this problem. We have burned up so much of their programmers time that they wont work with us anymore; we are banned. The only difference with us from anyone else in the network is that we use Bit Defender.

There are DLLs the program uses that are not appearing on the "known DLLs" list in bit defender but I have no idea how to add these or even if that is what the list is for. To top it of there is no obvious way to disable Bit Defender temporarily! GAAAAAAAAA!

If Tech Support wants to call me (yeah right) I will be happy to post a contact number. Heck, I'll even share screens with ya!


  • Please tell me if you tried to see which module in BitDefender may cause this issue. What we would like you to do is to uncheck first the "Real time protection is enabled" checkbox in the Antivirus module - Advanced View, try to see of the issue reoccurs, if yes try unchecking the Firewall module as well.

    Also, concerning request you have made for support, please note that there are multiple channels that you can use in order to contact support - we offer support by phone, live assistance chat and e-mail. You can access contact details for these channels after logging into your on-line account here.