Virus Search Question
I recently searched the BitDefender Virus Encyclopedia for the following viruses but could not find them. Why? These are the virus names that BD gave in the pop-up alert:
trojan.downloader.zlob.aado (on my PC)
trojan.spy.html.paylap.i.n (on my friend's PC; she also has BD)
win32.worm.stration.fc.m (on my friend's PC) searching for this worm in the encyclopedia took me to this: Win32.Worm.Stration.BB@mm I was not sure if this is the same as..... fc.m
BD blocked the "downloader" and a Full Scan this morning (set at medium level) did not find it.
Hello t1turner
That is correct that the encyclopedia isn't updated frequently because they are busy with the new version of their BitDefender product line.
Here some information about zlob:;threatid=44478
Niels0 -
I recently searched the BitDefender Virus Encyclopedia for the following viruses but could not find them. Why? These are the virus names that BD gave in the pop-up alert:
trojan.downloader.zlob.aado (on my PC)
trojan.spy.html.paylap.i.n (on my friend's PC; she also has BD)
win32.worm.stration.fc.m (on my friend's PC) searching for this worm in the encyclopedia took me to this: Win32.Worm.Stration.BB@mm I was not sure if this is the same as..... fc.m
BD blocked the "downloader" and a Full Scan this morning (set at medium level) did not find it.
It is very hard to keep an updated Virus-encyclopedia. Daily, several hundreds, maybe thousands of new malware are discovered. They have different behaviours, and many new variants from only one malware appear frequently. So maintaining an updated Virus-encyclopedia would be a large effort. Just imagine that abut 700000 different malware programs are currently recognized by BD.