Virus Search Question

I recently searched the BitDefender Virus Encyclopedia for the following viruses but could not find them. Why? These are the virus names that BD gave in the pop-up alert:

trojan.downloader.zlob.aado (on my PC)

trojan.spy.html.paylap.i.n (on my friend's PC; she also has BD)

win32.worm.stration.fc.m (on my friend's PC) searching for this worm in the encyclopedia took me to this: Win32.Worm.Stration.BB@mm I was not sure if this is the same as..... fc.m

BD blocked the "downloader" and a Full Scan this morning (set at medium level) did not find it.


  • Hello t1turner

    That is correct that the encyclopedia isn't updated frequently because they are busy with the new version of their BitDefender product line.

    Here some information about zlob:;threatid=44478




  • I recently searched the BitDefender Virus Encyclopedia for the following viruses but could not find them. Why? These are the virus names that BD gave in the pop-up alert:

    trojan.downloader.zlob.aado (on my PC)

    trojan.spy.html.paylap.i.n (on my friend's PC; she also has BD)

    win32.worm.stration.fc.m (on my friend's PC) searching for this worm in the encyclopedia took me to this: Win32.Worm.Stration.BB@mm I was not sure if this is the same as..... fc.m

    BD blocked the "downloader" and a Full Scan this morning (set at medium level) did not find it.

    It is very hard to keep an updated Virus-encyclopedia. Daily, several hundreds, maybe thousands of new malware are discovered. They have different behaviours, and many new variants from only one malware appear frequently. So maintaining an updated Virus-encyclopedia would be a large effort. Just imagine that abut 700000 different malware programs are currently recognized by BD. :)
