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Spammer List


Hi there,

I was wondering if BD has some sort of database of known spammers that I can add to the spammer list on my pc? (I am using BDIS 2009)

I am receiving approx 60 unsolicited mails a day and each one is from a different address and this is now slowly but surely testing my patience.

Thanks in advance for any insight.


  • BitDefender will retrieve updates for spam e-mails automatically by live update - if the spam e-mails that you receive are not covered by these updates please add the spammer's e-mail address using the "Add spammer" button in the BitDefender toolbar and the next time you get an e-mail from that e-mail address it will be sent to the Spam folder automatically.

  • BitDefender will retrieve updates for spam e-mails automatically by live update - if the spam e-mails that you receive are not covered by these updates please add the spammer's e-mail address using the "Add spammer" button in the BitDefender toolbar and the next time you get an e-mail from that e-mail address it will be sent to the Spam folder automatically.

    Hi Diana,

    It seems that you have not read my question properly.

    I stated in the post above that the unsolicited mail is coming from a different email address every time (I am using the toolbar, but find it tiring to add approx 60 spammers a day). I also asked if there was something along the lines of a database or perhaps (now that I think about it) a blacklist of known spam offenders to help diminish the amount of unsolicited mail I receive as perhaps future mails may come from those on the list and be automatically taken care of.