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Bd & Cisco Vpn Client - Need Help With Remote Desktop Conx



Can somebody pls help me with this Cisco VPN client problem (vers 4.8)?

I installed Cisco VPN Client before installing BD Internet Security 2009 and everything was working fine at first. But after I installed BD I have the following issue.

I can connect to my office network just fine. But when I try to use a remote desktop connection to connect to any of the various machines it always fails. I get a msg saying that the machine is either unavailable or refuses the connection.

Is there some setting in BD that will allow this to work again?

Thank you


  • csalgau
    csalgau ✭✭

    Does this also happen with the firewall disabled?

  • acherner

    Just tried it.

    If I disable firewall then all works fine.

    If I re-enable it, stops working again.

  • csalgau
    csalgau ✭✭

    I'm not familiar with the software, but I believe it appears as a new network connection in Windows.

    VPNs are - usually - trusted. Is it an option to give full trust to the VPN subnet? For example the entire of Or trust the all traffic on that connection - given the fact that that connection should be encrypted and connected directly to a trusted concentrator?

  • alexcrist

    Please follow this topic:

    Thank you.


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