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Dear All

Recently re formated a PC - now re installed with WinXP Pro inc SP3

After installing Fix It utilities, Search & Destroy & System Organiser & Spy Sweeper which all work fine & no conflicts at all, I've installed BD2009 which the PC is very un happy with. The PC slows down so much to make it un usable.

Then un install BD2009 & everything OK again. Any clues as to which program BD2009 is in conflict with?

Many thanks for your help


  • kosay85

    BD 2009 is too fast program and dosen't use big RAM memory and dosen't make PC slow at all , but I think this happened because you install tow AntiVirus (Bitdefender and Spy Sweeper )

    when you install Spy Sweeper it well add new service to windows beside BD service so this make PC slow and new Start UP pgrogram

    if you use BD why you use Spy Sweeper ??

    BD give you protection you want without any additinal program

    I advice you to uninstall Spy Sweeper complitly then use C Cleane to cleane your registary

    Go to Start then Run and write msconfig

    press enter you well see new window go to start up and disable all

    click OK and reboot

    then install BD and update it and make full system scan

    with my best wishes

  • Unknown

    Hello LondonPete,

    In the list that you have provided us with there are two antispyware programs - these will perform similar scanning tasks as the BitDefender real time protection and unfortunately they all have automatically running processes. Thus I would recommend removing Spybot and Spy Sweeper from the system before reinstalling BitDefender.

    Thank you!