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I have tow questions

1) if I scan my mobile card with BD 2009 can I detect mobile virus

2) if I use Deep freeze in my cafe net , is it protect me from injector virus like sality and I don't need AV for every PC

finally I am thankfull your answer


  • csalgau
    csalgau ✭✭

    1) All standard versions of BitDefender feature all engines, routines and signatures, including those for mobile devices.

    Please note that you do not always have access to the entire structure of the mobile device from your computer. For example my Symbian device only exposes the memory card on connection to the computer in a scannable manner. Most of my installed programs are stored in the internal storage space of the device, and some of this storage space is not even visible to most applications. That area can only be scanned by an antivirus software running on the device.

    2) Software such as Deep Freeze will provide you with the protection an Internet Cafe needs at the end of the day, but that doesn't offer much protection to your users. Data is reverted to the frozen state on reboot. Until that time users are exposed to the effects of malware. While you could ask your clients to reboot in case of suspicion, this is annoying.