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Magicjack Can't Start With Bitdefender


my magicjack can't start when bitdefender working.i have to disable real-time protection to start it.

my OS is vista 32-bit.


  • Unknown

    Hello codeziro,

    Please be so kind as to try the following settings in order to see if they make any difference:

    Open BitDefender, go to Advanced View - Antivirus - Custom Level and uncheck in that list: "Scan http traffic", "Scan yahoo messenger traffic" and "Scan windows live messenger traffic".

    Thank you!

  • codeziro
    Hello codeziro,

    Please be so kind as to try the following settings in order to see if they make any difference:

    Open BitDefender, go to Advanced View - Antivirus - Custom Level and uncheck in that list: "Scan http traffic", "Scan yahoo messenger traffic" and "Scan windows live messenger traffic".

    Thank you!

    no difference.i tried but my magicjack can't start.

    plz help.

    Thank you