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Error Updating With Weekly.exe


I bought 3 licenses for BD IS 2010, as I was happy with BD IS 2009. So far, the new installations have worked fine on two of my 3 computers. The one I'm having problems with (essentially the same as one at work, though with different internet access) is the home computer. Unfortunately, I only have a very slow dialup connection (28,800 bps max--the joy of rural life) with a 4-hr online limit. So for this one, I installed from the CD instead of downloading the program.

On the home computer, I installed BD IS 2010 over BD 2009, and was unable to update it or do a system scan. I uninstalled it using the Windows Control Panel uninstall (for some reason I couldn't download and save the uninstall.exe from BD), deleted the Bitdefender folders in the program files. I then reinstalled BD IS 2010 and attempted to update it with weekly.exe that I recently downloaded with another computer. I got the following message:

Installer Information

The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file C:\Program Files\Common Files\Bit Defender\BitDefender Threat Scanner\av32bit_000\Plugins\TBDA.tmp

The user I'm signed on as has Administrator privileges on the computer, so that shouldn't be the problem.

What should I do now?

Also, I tried to submit a trouble ticket, but BD would not accept the code I typed in. I tried several times--they all looked correct to me.

Thanks in advance for any help.


  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello LOC,

    Since you have a dial-up connection we recommend you to download only the virus definitions updates, because these updates, are smaller as size and can be downloaded without any problems. Here is what you have to do :

    1. Open BitDefender, click on the Settings button and choose the Expert Mode .

    2. Choose the Update module and click on the tab called Settings.

    3. Under "Confirm update" click on the option called "Prompt before downloading updates " and under "Manual Update Settings " click on the same option "Prompt before downloading updates " .

    4. After you do this click on the button called Apply and then click one more time on the Update tab from the top.

    5. Now click on Update now and you will see that a new window will show up.

    6. You will have to choose only the Signatures updates and then click on Ok.

    7. In that moment BitDefender will download and install only the updates that contains the virus definitions .

    Thank you .