[duplicate] Vsserv.exe Resource Hog Work Around

After getting no support from the "support" line I started mucking around with BD2010 on my own. I had complained repeatedly about how vsserv.exe would commandeer my memory resources and my machine would seize for up to 25 minutes at a time (would have been more but I rebooted the machine.)

Anyway, ON MY OWN I figured out that disabling the "antiphishing protection" releases a HUGE chunk of memory. When I am running with antiphishing enabled, I am watching vsserv monopolize anywhere from 85-97% of my memory- which at 8 GB is a pretty extensive level of processing. When I kill the antiphishing protection, I am able to get vsserv back into a tolerable 12-14% range.

Not a solution but at least it will work until BitDefender decides to do something besides apologize with a form letter and send me the link to the uninstall file.

(How about it, BD? Are you going to delete this message too?)


  • john bull
    edited March 2010
    After getting no support from the "support" line I started mucking around with BD2010 on my own. I had complained repeatedly about how vsserv.exe would commandeer my memory resources and my machine would seize for up to 25 minutes at a time (would have been more but I rebooted the machine.)

    Anyway, ON MY OWN I figured out that disabling the "antiphishing protection" releases a HUGE chunk of memory. When I am running with antiphishing enabled, I am watching vsserv monopolize anywhere from 85-97% of my memory- which at 8 GB is a pretty extensive level of processing. When I kill the antiphishing protection, I am able to get vsserv back into a tolerable 12-14% range.

    Not a solution but at least it will work until BitDefender decides to do something besides apologize with a form letter and send me the link to the uninstall file.

    (How about it, BD? Are you going to delete this message too?)

    Well done sjvmi87. You raise a vital point that affects everybody using BD, but NOBODY cares to comment or provide a solution.

    Well buddy, we make an Army of TWO here, because BD hogs so much of my memory that my PC either slows down to a snails pace or makes me wait several minutes to grow older until the memory takes a breather.

    I will explore your anti-phishing trick and dump it down the pan, see how that works.

    In the meantime I have found an offer that BD cannot refuse - I have changed MSCONFIG to disable all the BD items - and do you know what ? It works a treat, BD is now in Limbo-land and my memory looks great.

    I never intended to use BD as a real-time program, only to use it completely MANUAL as a sweeper. My primary AV and security protection is provided by another software.

    Good luck buddy - I do hope some dedicated reader will post a resolution to this problem, if not, then you have no anti-phishing protection and I have NO BD.

    John Bull

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