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[solved] File Exclusions


Is there a way to exclude some files not just from scanning, but from bitdefender stopping the file from doing whatever its doing?


  • alexcrist

    Hello charlee,

    Can you give a little more details about your problem please?


  • aznxprd
    edited October 2009

    well i dont have a problem, its just that certain programs dont work well with bitdefender like holdemmanager and postgresql. they work fine when i have bitdefender AV disabled, but i dont like the fact i have to keep my bitdefender unactivated at any time and was just wondering if i can exclude some files so bitdefender wont interfere with the program.

  • alexcrist
    ...if i can exclude some files so bitdefender wont interfere with the program.

    This means you DO have a problem, and I can't help you if you don't give me details about it.

    How exactly does BitDefender interfere with those applications? Because BitDefender has multiple modules, each one with it's own exclusion list, so I can't give you an appropriate answer without enough details about tour problem.


  • bitdefender will freeze holdemanager, and while im playing poker, will freeze hmhud.exe

  • alexcrist

    In this case, try adding hmhud.exe as a Trusted Application in Active Virus Control, by following these steps:

    1. Open BitDefender Security Center in Expert mode
    2. go to Antivirus -> Shield
    3. click on Advanced settings
    4. if Active Virus Control is not enabled, enable it
    5. click on the + button, browse for hmhud.exe and click Open
    6. check Allowed as Action for hmhud.exe and click OK

    Now test again to see if the problem persists.


  • that was exactly what i was looking for and has done the trick, thanks a ton

  • alexcrist

    You are welcome, charlee. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to post.

    Since this issue was solved, I will close this topic. If you need it reopened, let me know by PM.


    == CLOSED ==

    == Issue solved ==

This discussion has been closed.