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Can't Send Custom Sounds On Msn After Installing Bd2010



I have encountered some problems with Windows Live messenger (+Messenger PLUS) after installing Bitdefender 2010

at first, It didn't allow Messenger Plus to run, I re-installed MSPLUS and it fixed the problem

then, I wasn't able to send files through MSN, I fixed this problem too.

The only one I'm stuck with is not being able to send custom sounds. (Custom sounds only, built in sounds sends and receive just fine)

I can't receive them either! (Though, I CAN receive them from 2 of my contacts only, I don't know why.)

I.. really don't know what to do there.

I've been stuck with this for over 2 months, I tried re-intalling BD2010 but it wasn't helpful.



  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello bzuwbz,

    Just in testing purpose try performing the bellow changes:

    1. Open Bitdefender in Expert Mode and choose the Antivirus module.

    2. Click on the Custom Level button, uncheck "Scan Windows Live Messenger traffic" then click on Ok.

    3. Click on the Encryption module and disable it.

    Look if you have the same issues and let us know the results.

    Thank you .

  • Thanks for the quick reply!

    I've did what you said, it didn't work :(