[solved] Bitdefender Detect Itseft As A Virus


Please fix the problem, thanks.




  • I just got the same thing in both locations mentioned.

  • Got the same problem on two PCs. Afraid to let BDAV quarantine the files. It already got rid of thirteen files that it said had been infected with the same virus.

  • Please fix the problem, thanks.

    I also received this problem three times today! Please FIX. Also working to rid myself of Trojan,TDSS if anyone has experience with that one!

  • same problem for me too!

  • AndreiRC
    edited October 2009

    According to the topic in the German forum, this is spreading towards the items in the memory as well:

    <System>=>C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2010\WSLib.dll [process number] (disk)

    <System>=>C:\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Update Service\wslib.dll [process number] (disk)

  • Hi Chickenlittle,

    if you see an 'Edit' button in your post, you can edit your message; otherwise, you can't. The 'Edit' button disappears in a while, after you post.

  • Hi Chickenlittle,

    if you see an 'Edit' button in your post, you can edit your message; otherwise, you can't. The 'Edit' button disappears in a while, after you post.

    lol, i'm not laughing at you, but this crappy product, i wonder if it will commit suicide? that would be fun to watch, best thing is un-install this junk and get a reliable av suite, as for me at least, it's one thing after another,

  • I am no longer detecting the problem in question in either of the two locations.

  • Have the same problem (see attachment). Really not happy with this product. I have it on 5 different machines but it looks like it will have to go. Started having all kinds of issues since the 2010 update.


  • Richard, have you done any BD updates recently? I did one like half an hour ago and the detection is gone for me.

  • Okay. Now it isn't detecting itself as a virus. What about the files it deleted from the BDAV 2010 installation? Do we have to re-install BDAV or were the "WSLIB.DLL" files that were deleted superfluous? Please let us know.


  • Same problems here :( Since this has happened, cannot update 2010 Total Security!! HELP PLZ!!

  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello all,

    We recommend you to follow the steps from the next BitDefender article:http://www.bitdefender.com/KB613 in order to overcome the issues occurred after this false detection . We are sorry for the inconvenience and do not hesitate to contact us back if you have any other questions.

    Thank you .

  • i'm having a tough problem with this as well. bitdefender locks up and doesn't respond as well as will cause my system to stop responding. i can't even do a scan anymore, with 2010 and 2009. i done a scan with spybot s&d and came up with this....

    Win32.Agent.tdd: [sBI $AC97CB48] Settings (Registry key, nothing done)

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\livesrv.exe

    Win32.Delf.uv: [sBI $32D4885B] Settings (Registry key, nothing done)

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\bdagent.exe

    Win32.Delf.uv: [sBI $68A02A96] Settings (Registry key, nothing done)

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\vsserv.exe

    these are obviously bitdefender files but why are they recognized as viruses??? i've been in touch with bitdefenter support and they say that spybot may be causing the problem, but i don't see that happening. i've been using these 2 programs together for a few years now, as well as the peoples computers i work on. so if someone knows something i don't, i'd appreciate it a whole bunch for some info.... thanks........

  • I have the same problem.I scanned my pc ,the virus deleted but when i reboot it the virus has been appeared again...

  • same problem...fix that please

  • BigJeff22 and Dim, see what Alex Stanciu posted above about the solution to the problem.

  • Hi Chickenlittle,

    if you see an 'Edit' button in your post, you can edit your message; otherwise, you can't. The 'Edit' button disappears in a while, after you post.

    i dont have "edit' button, maybe the forum required more posts to enable edit button.

  • followed the instruction, it works perfect for now :D, thanks

  • What I find strange is what happened to me.

    One of the wslib.dll files got sent to quarantine by the Real-Time Protection service.

    When I attempted to restore the file to the original folder (because I had figured that it was a false positive since so many people had signaled it), the file was already in its original folder. I'm not quite sure how that was possible, being both in quarantine and in the original location.

    The thing is when I had tried to scan the other wslib.dll file that had gotten mentioned, BD told me something like: 'not enough administrative rights to move to quarantine'. Maybe that was why that file was in two places at once?

    In any case, for me BD is working fine, both at the start-up and when updating.

  • BD 2010, Windows 7. This solution does not work for me.

    Patch does not apply correctly and I cannot manually cp the wslib.dll to the (shortened because I'm lazy)

    /pf/bd/bd 2010/ directory. And yes my slashes are correct when I'm in bill world and I use copy not cp.

    Please fix this ASAP.

    Hello all,

    We recommend you to follow the steps from the next BitDefender article:http://www.bitdefender.com/KB613 in order to overcome the issues occurred after this false detection . We are sorry for the inconvenience and do not hesitate to contact us back if you have any other questions.

    Thank you .

  • nm - pebcak issue. Windows 7 Safe Mode, downloading patch and executing worked fine.

    BD 2010, Windows 7. This solution does not work for me.

    Patch does not apply correctly and I cannot manually cp the wslib.dll to the (shortened because I'm lazy)

    /pf/bd/bd 2010/ directory. And yes my slashes are correct when I'm in bill world and I use copy not cp.

    Please fix this ASAP.

  • alexcrist
    i done a scan with spybot s&d and came up with this....

    Win32.Agent.tdd: [sBI $AC97CB48] Settings (Registry key, nothing done)

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\livesrv.exe

    Win32.Delf.uv: [sBI $32D4885B] Settings (Registry key, nothing done)

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\bdagent.exe

    Win32.Delf.uv: [sBI $68A02A96] Settings (Registry key, nothing done)

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\vsserv.exe

    these are obviously bitdefender files but why are they recognized as viruses??? i've been in touch with bitdefenter support and they say that spybot may be causing the problem, but i don't see that happening. i've been using these 2 programs together for a few years now, as well as the peoples computers i work on. so if someone knows something i don't, i'd appreciate it a whole bunch for some info.... thanks........

    Hello rand99,

    These detections were discussed here: http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?s=&...ost&p=66791

    In short, they are false positives from SpyBot and they don't represent any risk for your system.

    If you have any other questions related to this issue (detected BD reg keys), please post in the above topic. Thank you.

    Does anyone else have problems with the WSLib.dll detection?


  • alexcrist

    Since no one else reported anymore problems related to this topic, I will consider this issue solved and this topic closed. If anyone needs it reopened, let me know by PM.


    == CLOSED ==

    == Issue solved ==

This discussion has been closed.