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Virus Problem


After scanning the computer with BitDefender 2010 it detected a virus called application.generic.234424. After selecting "delete" in "choose an action", Bit Defender says that the virus has been deleted, but upon the next system restart and virus scan the same virus type pops up again. BitDefender shows that the file containing the virus is located in WINDOWS/Temp in a folder it opens for itself upon each restart, but this file cannot be deleted manualy (indeed, it cannot be modified in any way). This folder is called tmp00006eb7 and the file containing the virus is called tmp00000000.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello nikola,

    We need to have a look on the scan report generated on your system . Here is what you have to do in order to retrieve it to us :

    1. Open BitDefender and click the "View Logs" link on the lower right. Click the "Antivirus" tab on the left.

    2. In the "On-demand tasks" list (the one on the bottom) look for the latest (closest to the top) entry that reads "Deep System Scan" (or another scan that you ran) under the "Task Name" column and "Scan Finished" under the "Name of the action".

    3. Double-click this entry and click the "View Scan Log" button at the bottom of the window that just popped up.

    4. A browser window will open displaying the scan report. Save this file on a location of your choice, upload it on, then post here the download link .

    Thank you .