Warning Message For Items I Want To Ignore

The "Warning: multiple issues are affecting the security status of this PC" alert is on constantly for several vulnerability items that I want to ignore. In particular, for Live messenger that I do not use or want.

I cannot ignore the "warning" because it might be something critical, so I am opening BD several times a day to check it only to find it's the same ones that I have "skipped" already.

How do I ignore those specific items and clear the "warning" alert except for critical problems?


  • This is exactly what I just came in to ask about, since my previous problem has been solved, (Thanks Alex).

    Yes how safe is un-checking "Enable Alerts" ?

    My List:

    "Critical Microsoft Updates"

    "Other Microsoft Updates"

    -- (I've chosen to check on my own. I do not want SP3 but am updated on all "Critical" updates)

    "Adobe Reader (Outdated)" (I don't think so..I use the "Lite" version)

    "Windows Live Messenger" (I thought I purged this program ages ago?)

    "Administrator (Weak Password)"

    "USER (Weak Password)" (I could change this)

    Thanks, Suzanne

  • Hello NorthWord and Luckyjock,

    If you are a user that knows how to install the Windows Updates, you don't need a password for your computer because you are the only user, or you do not want to install the latest versions of some programs that you use, you can remove the monitoring for Vulnerability without any problems . In order to do this, open BitDefender, click on the Settings button, choose the Expert Mode then click on Ok. Under General ->Dashboard , click on the "Configure List" tab and uncheck the alerts for Vulnerability then click on Close .

    We are currently aware of the situation encountered with Windows Live Messenger. If you want to remove the option that monitors the applications alerts, open BitDefender in Expert Mode, choose the Vulnerability module and click on the Settings tab from the right . Simply uncheck the options Application updates.

    Thank you.