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Bit Defender Weekly Update Not Registering


Hi there,

I've been having difficulty with web pages not displaying content lately -- They appear loaded by the lower left "Done" status, and the URL and the Tab title, but the page is totally white. No message. Nothing. So . . . i've been running Bit Defender almost daily for the last 3 or 4 days, which made evident a second problem with Bit Defender:

BD keeps giving message of 1 critical error "scan not run in X days". This is weird because each day I've run a deep system scan. Then the next day, the same things happens and adds another day to the length of time the message says a scan hasn't been run. It seems like the system isn't registering that i've done a scan the day before. (I've retrieved updates, so everything is up-to-date.)

Any idea of what is going on?


PS if anyone knows why I can't load web pages (my first problem), I'd appreciate an answer to that one too. I've attached a print screen of what this looks like. Its in word2003 (.doc).

/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=5772" data-fileid="5772" rel="">screen_print.doc