Bitdefender Security Service Has Encountered A Critical Error!

I have Bitdefender installed on 10 machines for the last few weeks. Ever since I installed Bitdefender 2010, all 10 stations have been getting an error message saying that "BitDefender Security Service has encountered a critical error!". Bitdefender error - screenshot This always occurs immediately after an update that never seems to finish. I have contacted Bitdefender support numerous times (more than 10) and they have responded 3 times. The first time they responded they wanted me to run two files that spit out information. Those two files are FileInfo2008.exe and sysdump.exe. They also wanted a screen shot of the error, the application event log and the system event log from windows. I ran those files and then the second time they contacted me, they wanted me to uninstall spybot search and destroy. The third time they wanted the temporary files mentioned in the error message. I have sent screen shots and the system event log, application event log, a screen shot of the error and the temporary files. I have sent them these files a dozen times with no response.

There are three machines I remote into with the Windows Remote Desktop client. I was sucessfully able to log into them the morning of November 5th. However, on Friday November 6th, I went to remote into the first one and it gave me an error that there wasn't enough disk space to log in. I tried the other two machines and the same error popped up. It wasn't until I un-installed bitdefender that I could log into the stations. On the 7 other stations I had bitdefender ask me to reboot four times in one day on November 12th. I don't mind doing it once, but 4 times on 7 stations? I spent all day rebooting. I felt like a complete fool.

I am not running anything out of the ordinary. I use Windows XP Professional SP2. From reading through this forum, it is clear that the product has issues. It used to be that you could talk to someone over at bitdefender (I think it was usually someone from Romania), but at least they helped me resolve my issues in the past. It now appears you have to send and email and hope for a response. I can deal with the issues, but when bitdefender support doesn't even contact me, I can only assume that there is no hope for ever resolving these issues. They simply took my money and gave me a headache. Not a fair trade. Too bad, because I've used their product for the last couple of years with hardly an issue and now I have to switch to another one. Does anyone out there have any recommendations?


  • Hello mailboxtom,

    The issue that you had with Remote Desktop connection have been solved through automatic update. We have received the reports that you have sent us and rest assure that all of these files have been forwarded to my colleagues from the Testing Team.

    We apologize for any inconvenience that we may caused you and we are looking forward to your reply .

    Thank you.