An Error Occurred During The Update (could Not Parse)
Since this appears to be a different topic than that listed in the other thread, I've opened a new one. The other thread seems to be related to "no connection", mine is "Could not parse". In any case, there is no automatic update. I've followed the hints in the other thread, and tried them all, to no avail.
I've uninstalled/re-installed BDAV 2010 at least five times on Sunday. I'm getting quite good at it. But the problem persists. "An error occurred during the update (Could not parse)." It seems there are four files it is looking for. See file at: for the trace file.
I tried using the weekly update, but I'm not sure it worked since it still throws me back to the screen that tells me I have unresolved Security issues, "No Updates have been made".
Is anyone else seeing this specific problem of "Could not parse"?
Alex, please forward my trace file to the appropriate engineer.
Thanks for your support