Bit Defender Blocking Microsoft Updates

I just started using bit defender 2010 (free trial) to test it out. I put it in intermediate mode and after installing I saw about 7 windows updates that it recommended. I tried to install them and a few of them failed installation. After trying agian a couple of time I put it in expert mode and tried again, and found out why it was not installing. Bit Defender was automatically blocking the install in intermediate mode (It ased me to block/allow it in advanced). It is strange because bit defender told me about the updates and I started them through bit defender, but apparently the updates can't be trusted? Are other people having this problem?

Another program it was blocking in intermidate mode with no pop ups was Firefox, the program would just never start. Once I got in advanced mode it asked me to block/allow it.

The 30 day free trial is not impressing me so far, but I would like to give it a fair chance. Did I set something incorrectly in the settings, or is this normal behavior?

BTW, I am using Windows XP.


  • Hello SailBlue5,

    The BitDefender Vulnerability window that you are referring to is the same in Intermediate Mode as in the Expert Mode so I don't think switching between these user interfaces will make any difference . You said that you receive a pop message from BitDefender, asking you if you want to Allow or Block installing the updates. You usually, receive this types of windows, when an application that is not in the BitDefender Firewall white list will try to connect to the Internet or if you have the BitDefender Registry Control option enabled.

    In order to better understand this sittuation, we recommend you to take some screen-shots of the BitDefender windows that are displayed, when you encounter one of the sittuation described by you. After that, please upload the screens on, then post here the download link .

    Steps that will help you make a screen-shot:

    1. When the window is on you desktop press the PrintScreen key (PrintScreen is located at the top of the keyboard, at right. At this step we can not see anything, as the picture is copied into Windows' clipboard);

    2. Open the standard Paint program, that comes with every Windows installation (Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Paint);

    3.Paste the picture (Edit -> Paste);

    4.Save the file into the JPEG format into a location of your choice and reply to our email with the image attached.

    We are looking forward to your reply.

    Thank you.