Change Default Frequency Of Av Scans/warning

I keep getting warnings about not having scanned recently.

As it takes nearly 12 hours to scan my hard disks and I take a great deal of care to ensure that viruses don't come onto the machine I want to disable this warning. However it would seem that all I can do is disable all anti-virus warnings which I do not wish to do.

I want to change the default settings for scanning so that I instigate a scan manually not automatically and are not continually get a warning and I haven't scanned the last six days.

How do I do this?

I am using a fully updated Windows XP and BDIS 2010


  • Hello hi2alans,

    BitDefender was designed to show you that you have an issue if you do not scan your computer within 6 days. Unfortuantely there is no other monitoring option that you can disable so that you don't receive this warning.

    You may try though, to schedule BitDefender to run a scan at every 6 days when you do not use your computer . To do this, open BitDefender in Expert Mode, select the Antivirus module and click on the Virus Scan tab. Right click on Deep System Scan and click on Schedule . There select Periodically and from "At every" you will have to choose 6 and from the other drop down menu you will have to select what you want - days. After that, select the Start date and the hour when the scan will start.

    Thank you.

  • hi2alans
    edited December 2009


    Thanks for the tutorial on how to schedule a scan.

    I have solved the problem (for me) by excluding ALL drives explicitly from being scanned. I then I can get a system scan that takes place in less than 30 minutes and removes the warning notifier in the systray. Otherwise I have to just ignore the warning in the systray which, as it is non-specific means, I may miss something important.

    However, this means that I have to go and change the exclusion rules when I do need to make a full scan and then re-enable them afterwards. This is very clumsy way to do something sensible needed to fit my requirements.

    If I leave it to scan all disks (my previous settings had 3 out of 5 disks excluded) then it will take over 24 hours (I have several terabytes of data and millions of files) and even just a scan of C takes a minimum of several hours which interrupts my work. It is not practical to do an overnight scan and even then it is often not finished in the morning.

    However, although I appreciate what you say about the nag screen every 6 days and understand that for the vast majority of users, this may be suitable. Surely there should be an option designed in to allow expert users to modify the parameter that governs the frequency of warnings and scans. I wouldn't want to disable it but to have to do this every 6 days is a PITA.

    If the systray notifier had several indicators for example, not scanned, not updated etc. then it could be assessed at a glance. As it stands, I would have to manually check what the notifier indicated regularly and this slows down my work.

  • Hello hi2alans,

    Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback and suggestions to us. I don't think the options that you suggested will be implemented in the current version of BitDefender, but I am sure that in the future, with our new product, these options will be available.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any further assistance.

    Thank you.