Bitdefender Missed A Big Virus

Ok heres the story, i downloaded a .exe file, scanned it with bitdefender send it was clean so i clicked on it. About 2 seconds after i clicked on it it dissapeared worried i had a virus i instantly do a deep system scan i then deleted 2 items. After 10 minutes i do another system scan to be sure then go to bed, unluckly a power cut happened after it was done but before i looked at . HERES WHERE IT STARTS:

I log-in to my computer and try to open My Documents it dosnt load it doesnt even come up with a error this is the same for everything on my desktop. I restart and this time after i loged in only the wallpaper showed it took a few login attemps to get back to desktopbut cant open anything again. Also a message saying somthing like trogan blocked in instant run or somthing

I open it in Safe Mode and try to run Bitdefender but i cant because it cant connect to server!!!! I then try fire-fox and that doesnt work either. I also cant do a system restore because all dates are past when i downloaded the file.

My two questoins are

1) How could bitdefender miss this

2) How to i get my computer back from the virus

I would rather not do a complete system restore


  • Hello aussy100,

    The file that you have run was not signed as infected and that is why it was not detected. Since you cannot run any tools on your system we recommend you to follow the steps bellow and try to run a scan and delete the infections using our Rescue Cd . Here is what you have to do :

    1. Boot the computer using the Rescue CD;

    2. Allow BitDefender to perform a scan;

    3. Go to the mounted partition (the Hard Disk Part. icon) then browse and delete the items detected as infected by the BitDefender scan by right clicking then selecting "Delete" from the File/Dir submenu.

    In order to check whether the virus removal procedure has succeeded, we recommend another complete scan of your computer with BitDefender (from the Windows environment).

    [how to CREATE A RESCUE CD]

    In order to create the BitDefender Rescue CD you have to first download the latest image (the .iso file) from:

    <a href="" target="_blank"> </a>and burn it on a CD or DVD using a tool of your choice;

    The freeware ISO Burner can be used to create the disc (save and extract the tool to a location of your choice, start IsoBurner.exe, if not already set - select the image file location and the recorder, choose "BURN"):


    alternative: :// :// ://


    1. Insert the BitDefender Rescue CD into your CD drive and restart your computer. Select any options required to start (boot) from the CD (this procedure is slightly different depending on your motherboard manufacturer - for more information you have to check the motherboard product manual);

    2. Make sure that the network cable is plugged and the system is connected to

    the internet;

    3. Choose to "Start knoppix" when you are presented with the boot menu (if you do not choose within 30 seconds the computer will continue booting normally);

    4. The loading process will commence and text will scroll on the screen; During this time the environment is loaded and BitDefender will perform a signature update; If the process seems to hang more than 10 minutes reboot the computer and try again.

    5. BitDefender will start scanning the content of your computer as soon as the Knoppix is loaded ; The results will be displayed when the scan is completed.

    Thank you .