Windows 7 Problem, Can Use My Pc

I bought BD IS 2010 and after installing it i was not able to use my pc, after rebooting everythig was frozen, restarted my pc like 10 times, tried to reinstall it in safe mode, not possbile. Now i made system restore, how to fix that. maybe i should uninstal nod32 first, my license is almost expired so i bought BD.


  • alexcrist
    edited December 2009

    Hello MrBaws,

    You said:

    maybe i should uninstal nod32 first

    The answer is: definitely YES!

    Having multiple security solutions installed and active at the same time on the same system is a very bad idea, as it might lead to data corruption, system instability, security flaws, etc... Choose one solution and stick with it.

    At this point, I can recommend this:

    - remove ALL security solutions from your system, including BitDefender. To remove BitDefender, use BitDefender Uninstall Tool. Also search Eset's site for a similar tool.

    - restart your system after running each uninstall

    - install a fresh copy of BitDefender 2010
