[solved] Disabling Weekly Scan?

Hi Guys,

I am using 2010TS and I want to cancel weekly scan from "issues affecting security status" list. But I could not able find the exact option for this. Because it is awful to wait for hours even there is not much change in files.

Waiting for your quick reply.


  • Hello Flashbond,

    Unfortunately, at this moment there is no way of disabling only that alert. In BitDefendr 2010 all alerts about the Antivirus module (including weekely scans and module status) were grouped under the same monitoring option.

    However, there is a workaround, if you use the BitDefender Scan Activity Bar. Whenever the Antivirus module is disabled (regardless if you disabled it, or it disabled itself for whatever reason), the Scan Activity Bar will display a red X over the File zone. In this case, you can just disable all monitoring for the Antivirus module, so BitDefender will not notify you about weekly scans, but you will still see whenever the antivirus is disabled, in the Scan Activity Bar (which works independently of the monitoring options).


  • Thank you very much ^_^

  • You are welcome, Flashbond. If you have other questions, you are welcome to post.

    Since this matter is clarified, I will close this topic. If you need it reopened, just use the Report button to let us know (or let me know by PM).


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    == Issue solved ==

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