
My Bit defender total security 2010 has detected the following virus Gen:Tojan.Heur.Hype.cu4@aq0@hzg

it says: Accessed by: wmpnetwk

Location:\L\max ++.00.x86

Bitdefender could not disinfect, delete or quarantine this item. Access to this object has been denied.

Can anyone help me please!


  • Hello ledonster,

    Please open BitDefender Security Center, click on View logs (lower-right corner of the window) and search for the entry of this detection under the Antivirus tab, in the Realtime protection list. Double click that entry and post here a screenshot of the window with the detection details.


  • ledonster
    edited January 2010

    I have pasted a screenprint of the log into a word filr but am not permitted to upload it apparently. Notepad doesn;t accept the copy and paste of the screen....any ideas??

  • MS Paint (or any other image editing software), save to JPG, attach the JPG.

  • I followed instructions given to another person on here and no longer get the warning from BitDefender, but have noticed a couple of folders that appear to be the same in windows\temp. I was wondering if I have successfully got rid of the trojan. Following is my scanlog:

    BitDefender Log File

    Product: BitDefender Total Security 2010

    Version: BitDefender Antivirus Scanner

    Scanning task: System Scan

    Log date: 7/01/2010 5:46:34 AM

    Log path: C:\ProgramData\BitDefender\Desktop\Profiles\Logs\full_scan\1262807194_1_00.xml

    Scan paths:

    Path 0000: C:\

    Path 0001: D:\

    Scan Level:

    Scan for viruses: Yes

    Scan for adware: Yes

    Scan for spyware: Yes

    Scan for applications: Yes

    Scan for dialers: Yes

    Scan for rootkits: No

    Scan for keyloggers: Yes

    Virus Scanning Options:

    Scan registry keys: Yes

    Scan cookies: Yes

    Scan boot sectors: Yes

    Scan memory processes: Yes

    Scan archives: No

    Scan runtime packers: Yes

    Scan e-mails: Yes

    Scan all files: Yes

    Heuristic Scan: Yes

    Scanned extensions: not configured

    Excluded extensions: not configured

    Target Processing:

    Default first action for infected objects: Disinfect

    Default second action for infected objects: None

    Default first action for suspect objects : None

    Default second action for suspicious objects: None

    Default action for hidden objects: None

    Default first action for encrypted infected objects: Disinfect

    Default second action for encrypted infected objects: None

    Default first action for encrypted suspicious objects: None

    Default second action for encrypted suspicious objects: None

    Default action for password-protected objects: Log only

    Scan Engines Summary

    Virus signatures: 4831522

    Archive plugins: 44

    E-mail plugins: 6

    Scan plugins: 13

    System plugins: 5

    Unpack plugins: 8


    Scanned items: 166753

    Infected items: 0 (no infected items have been detected)

    Suspect items: 0 (no suspected items have been detected)

    Hidden items: 0 (the scan options do not include scanning for rootkits)

    Resolved items: 0 (no threats have been detected during this scan)

    Unresolved items: 0 (no issues remained unresolved)


    Scan time: 00:36:43

    Files per second: 75

    Skipped items: 32753

    Password-protected items: 0

    Over-compressed items: 0

    Individual viruses found: 0

    Scanned folders: 22317

    Scanned boot sectors: 5

    Scanned archives: 148

    Input-output errors: 70

    Scanned processes: 61

    Infected processes: 0

    Scanned registry keys: 1488

    Infected registry keys: 0

    Scanned cookies: 16

    Infected cookies: 0

    Thanks for any help.

  • Hello BluesTraveller,

    As you can see in your log, no threats have been detected on your system. If you experience other problems, please open a new topic and post some more details. Please don't post in other user's topic when you're asking for assistance to clean an infection, because in most cases every infection is different. Thank you.


  • ledonster
    edited January 2010

    Here is mine if it helps

    Product: BitDefender Total Security 2010

    Version: BitDefender Antivirus Scanner

    Scanning task: Deep System Scan

    Log date: 06/01/2010 15:46:30

    Log path: C:\ProgramData\BitDefender\Desktop\Profiles\Logs\deep_scan\1262792790_1_00.xml

    Scan paths:

    Path 0000: C:\

    Path 0001: D:\

    Scan Level:

    Scan for viruses: Yes

    Scan for adware: Yes

    Scan for spyware: Yes

    Scan for applications: Yes

    Scan for dialers: Yes

    Scan for rootkits: Yes

    Scan for keyloggers: Yes

    Virus Scanning Options:

    Scan registry keys: Yes

    Scan cookies: Yes

    Scan boot sectors: Yes

    Scan memory processes: Yes

    Scan archives: Yes

    Scan runtime packers: Yes

    Scan e-mails: Yes

    Scan all files: Yes

    Heuristic Scan: Yes

    Scanned extensions: not configured

    Excluded extensions: not configured

    Target Processing:

    Default first action for infected objects: Disinfect

    Default second action for infected objects: None

    Default first action for suspect objects : None

    Default second action for suspicious objects: None

    Default action for hidden objects: None

    Default first action for encrypted infected objects: Disinfect

    Default second action for encrypted infected objects: None

    Default first action for encrypted suspicious objects: None

    Default second action for encrypted suspicious objects: None

    Default action for password-protected objects: Log only

    Scan Engines Summary

    Virus signatures: 4742199

    Archive plugins: 44

    E-mail plugins: 6

    Scan plugins: 13

    System plugins: 5

    Unpack plugins: 8


    Scanned items: 607960

    Infected items: 0 (no infected items have been detected)

    Suspect items: 0 (no suspected items have been detected)

    Hidden items: 0 (no hidden items have been detected during this scan)

    Resolved items: 0 (no threats have been detected during this scan)

    Unresolved items: 0 (no issues remained unresolved)


    Scan time: 03:41:01

    Files per second: 45

    Skipped items: 25260

    Password-protected items: 1550

    Over-compressed items: 12

    Individual viruses found: 0

    Scanned folders: 34582

    Scanned boot sectors: 5

    Scanned archives: 18227

    Input-output errors: 86

    Scanned processes: 144

    Infected processes: 0

    Scanned registry keys: 1803

    Infected registry keys: 0

    Scanned cookies: 1006

    Infected cookies: 0

  • ledonster, in my second post I asked you for a screenshot of the realtime detection log. I'm still waiting for that screenshot, without which I cannot do anything.


  • ledonster
    edited February 2010

    I have attached the screenprint. Hope you can help.


  • Please read the following article:

    Generate the 2 logs, upload them on a file sharing server of your choice (like and post here the download links.
