[solved] Can't Skip "issues" Affecting Security Status

My Bitdefender 2010, Windows XP, says that I have "multiple issues" affecting my security. The BD circular icon appears covered by a triangle with an exclamation mark in it, i.e. a sign of distress.

When I click "Fix all issues," it wants me to do something about several things which I do not wish to fix. For example, it says I have a weak password for Administrator and for me. Also, I have an outdated version of Windows Messenger.

I don't want to change the passwords and I never use Windows Messenger.

However, when I click "Skip" and close the window, nothing changes, and Bitdefender still insists that I have these "multiple issues." This did not happen with BD 2009.

How can I get BD to stop telling me I have problems which I don't wish to "solve"?


Bill Edelstein

Baltimore, MD


  • Hello Bill Edelstein,

    Please open BitDefender Security Center in Expert Mode and go to General -> Dashboard. There, at the Security status section, you will see a button called Configure list. Click that button and a window will open where you can select which modules are monitored. Uncheck the modules which you wish not to be monitored, and click OK.

    The Skip checkbox of which you are talking about is a somehow "one time feature". Something like "I don't want to fix this just now, but keep monitoring it. I will fix it later". :)


  • Hi Cris,

    I tried your suggestion but I don't find that procedure satisfactory.

    First, I am not exactly sure which modules to stop checking. What, for example, will stop BD from telling me that my passwords are too weak? Is it "Vulnerability Status"? If so, then I am concerned that there might be other "vulnerability" problems that I would want to check.

    What will stop complaints about not having the latest version of Windows Messenger?

    BD also complained that I was not getting "Other Microsoft Updates," which I then looked at, and do not want. I am afraid that if I uncheck the "Update Status" box, then BD will stop checking for BD updates, which would be bad.

    There should be a way to say, stop warning me about this specific problem. That would not be hard to arrange. BD 2009 did not have this "feature" of warning you about "issues" that you don't want to fix. If this situation cannot be remedied, then I am going to seriously consider getting another security solution.

    By the way, I don't know if you are officially associated with BD, but I sent tech support a note days ago about this problem and have received no answer.

    In any case, thank you very much for your help.

    Bill Edelstein

    Baltimore, MD

  • alexcrist
    edited January 2010

    All of your problems are related to Vulnerability check.

    On the other hand, in your situation you could do this: open BitDefender Security Center and go to Vulnerability -> Settings and from there, uncheck what you don't want to be monitored as a vulnerability.

    If you don't want you passwords to be checked for strength, then uncheck Weak password.

    To stop warning you about software updates, uncheck Application updates.

    And t stop alerting you about "Other Microsoft updates", uncheck Regular Windows Updates (critical updates will still be monitored by the first option).

    BD also complained that I was not getting "Other Microsoft Updates," which I then looked at, and do not want. I am afraid that if I uncheck the "Update Status" box, then BD will stop checking for BD updates, which would be bad.

    No, that would also be the Vulnerability check, as I said above.

    The Update status is indeed for BitDefender Update, not for Windows updates.

    On the other hand, even if you uncheck the Update checkbox, then BitDefender won't alert you anymore about the update status, but the Update module will still be enabled. The Configure list section does not turn on or off BitDefender modules, it just turns on or off their status monitoring.

    Based on this, you can also disable monitoring for the whole Vulnerabity check status, but the Vulnerability check module will still be enabled. And you can periodically check it (by going to BD Security Center -> Vulnerability), let's say once every week (or even 2 weeks) to see if anything changed. Related to Windows Updates or Software Update, one or two weeks is not that relevant. And Password weakness only changes when you change your password (so if you don't change the password, that level will stay constant).

    By the way, I don't know if you are officially associated with BD, but I sent tech support a note days ago about this problem and have received no answer.

    This forum is officially supported by BitDefender. However, I'm not an employee of this company, I'm just a BitDefender user, but I keep close contact with BitDefender support and BitDefender Labs.

    There are also Official Support members of this forum. The one which is actively taking care of this forum is Alex Stanciu.


  • Cris,

    Thanks for your help--I am now happy with the configuration of BD.

    Unfortunately, this problem has been created by "mission creep." BD has been a very good product, but BD has software engineers with too much time on their hands, and they proceed to put in "features" that detract from BD's performance and annoy customers.

    Maybe BD should go through a wizard during installation that allows options--clearly described--to be chosen or rejected. Instead, these options/checks go in by default, and it is difficult to figure out how to change the configuration.

    I am not an IT expert, but I would say that I am a very knowledgeable general computer user. So most people are not going to change anything. I suppose most people will just accept everything. I don't think this is necessarily a good idea.

    If you have any influence with BD and the appropriate occasion arises, please pass along my message. At next renewal time I am going to seriously consider switching to other security software.

    Thanks again,

    Bill Edelstein

    Baltimore, MD

  • Your suggestion has been forwarded and it might be take into consideration for one of the future product updates. However, there is no further information about this at this moment.

    Thank you for your observation. Since this issue has been resolved, I will close this topic. If you need it reopened, use the Report button to announce the Moderating Team about your request.


    == CLOSED ==

    == Issue solved ==

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