Intallation Failure Internet Security 2010 ( Replacine The 2009 Version)

I inserted my BitDefender Internet Security 2010 disk into my up-to-date

WindowsXP (professional) computer system (which is a Lenovo Thinkpad

(T61) PC.

I attempted to install this security program, and it loaded an 11

GigaBit partition (or file?), which is inaccessible on my system.

My system then ran correctly, but 11 GB of disk is now missing,

and at this point, I had NO security software installed on my system,

since this attempted install succeeded in removing my existing

Internet Security 2009 Bitdefender program. My current antivirus

program, which was Bitdefender Internet Security 2009 was running

during the attempted installation, since I did not see any

instruction to tell me to disable my current antivirus program.)
